Calling all MBF Life Fellows! Renew your commitment to your
foundation today!
There are more than 1,400 lawyers and judges who count
themselves among the members of the MBF Society of Fellows. Some
joined last week, others joined several decades ago. Together, they
represent proudly the legal community's commitment to strengthening
access to justice for all in our state.
Becoming a fellow involves a financial contribution to the MBF,
which many choose to pay over a number of years. To encourage those
fellows who have completed their initial pledge to continue to
support the MBF, the foundation offers a leadership giving program
that builds on all earlier gifts to the MBF. Like the original
pledge that started it all, pledges can be paid in annual
installments of as little as $100.
If you can't remember the last time you made a gift to the MBF,
now is the time to show your support to the state's premiere legal
charity, governed and supported by lawyers and judges from across
the commonwealth.
Take this opportunity to strengthen your involvement with the
MBF and to continue supporting access to justice for every citizen
of Massachusetts. Visit
MBF Law Firm and Corporate Partners
MBF would like thank its law firm and corporate partners for
their support!
Silver Partners
- Davis Malm & D'Agostine PC
- LeClairRyan
Bronze Partners
- Cosgrove, Eisenburg & Kiley
- Legal Talk Network
- Massachusetts Bar Association
Click here to learn more about a sponsorship
opportunity that lasts all year!