Massachusetts Bar Association members can stay on top of the law, advance their careers and enhance their practices ─ all at no extra cost. Since 2014, the MBA has offered free educational programs to its members, excluding conferences and the Practicing with Professionalism course. From in-person seminars, to programs delivered through live-streaming video, the MBA has many convenient ways to fit continuing legal education (CLE) into your busy schedule! Miss one of our many free CLE seminars this year? Don't worry. Members also receive free access to the entire recorded MBA On Demand library. With the MBA's FREE CLE benefit, you won't miss a thing. Contact us at
Never miss a seminar. Watch a CLE program anywhere, anytime.
Enter the profession on the right track with this affordable and convenient course.
We welcome program proposals. Become a faculty member today.
Need more information about credit for your MBA CLE program attendance?
Seventh Annual Young Lawyers Division Symposium
12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Massachusetts Bar Association
IRL: A Bench-Bar Reception with Superior Court Judges
4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thorndike Library
The Essential Guide to Family Law Financials: Understanding Personal Tax Returns
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
See the MassBar refreshed
MBA Staff
The Massachusetts Bar Association is proud to unveil our new and easier-to-navigate website.
MBA members get FREE CLE
MBA Education
The MBA has many convenient ways to fit CLE into your busy schedule -- for FREE!
Customized sponsorships and print and electronic advertising are available to vendors interested in sharing their message with the Massachusetts legal community. Sponsor a major conference, a single CLE offering or offer a discounted rate for Massachusetts Bar Association members who use your service or products. Contact for more information.
“In my 45 years as a member of the MBA, I have participated in over several hundred educational offerings, sometimes as a panel member, but most often as an attendee. Whether an annual update in a specific area or a view into up-coming cutting edge issues in a specific area of the law, I have found those courses unfailingly relevant and helpful. Equally important, I have observed how attendance at these presentations fosters collegiality and civility in the bar.”