Massachusetts Bar Association offers numerous educational series in law both past and present. Did you miss one of our many free series or programs? Don't worry. Members also receive free access to the entire recorded MBA On Demand library. If you have any questions, contact us at
Join the Massachusetts Bar Association for Conflict Resolution Week (Oct. 14-18). Among the highlights is a Conflict Resolution Day Celebration on Oct. 17, where the MBA will honor the memory and legacy of Frank Sander -- a luminary in the field of conflict resolution -- by presenting its MBA Professor Frank E.A. Sander Award in Dispute Resolution to Arnold M. Zack, Esq.
Join the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Section for a virtual program series on the ever-changing area of criminal law in Massachusetts District Court. The series will offer an opportunity for practitioners on both sides of the aisle to learn important lessons from judges, probation officers, defense counsel and other presenters from across the commonwealth.
This series will guide new and experienced attorneys through the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recession. Join us for virtual programs that will help you start, expand or pivot a practice; break into other practice areas; and otherwise adjust to the current legal landscape.
The Massachusetts Bar Association's Judicial Administration Section and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) presents a two-part program series on restorative justice. This will be a robust discussion of the restorative justice efforts that are happening within the trial courts on the state and federal level, schools, workplaces, and programs. At its core, restorative justice re-imagines the definition of “justice," substituting “punishment" with “repair.”
The first years of practicing law are a critical time in the development of professional habits and character. To help foster this transition, the fellows of the 2023 MBA’s Leadership Academy invite you to participate in the Transition into Practice Program Series (“TIPs”). The fellows designed the series to provide transitional support to newly admitted attorneys and soon-to-be-graduating law students so that they have the practical skills and judgment necessary to practice at the highest level.
Grab your coffee and join the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Probate Law Section Council on Wednesday mornings for short, focused lessons in the world of probate law and estate planning practice. This series features panels on unique probate and estate planning topics, each followed by a question-and-answer session. We designed this series to ensure that attorneys have a solid foundation of knowledge in the areas of probate law and estate planning.
Seventh Annual Young Lawyers Division Symposium
12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Massachusetts Bar Association
IRL: A Bench-Bar Reception with Superior Court Judges
4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thorndike Library
The Essential Guide to Family Law Financials: Understanding Personal Tax Returns
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
“In my 45 years as a member of the MBA, I have participated in over several hundred educational offerings, sometimes as a panel member, but most often as an attendee. Whether an annual update in a specific area or a view into up-coming cutting edge issues in a specific area of the law, I have found those courses unfailingly relevant and helpful. Equally important, I have observed how attendance at these presentations fosters collegiality and civility in the bar.”