More on Arnold M. Zack, Esq.

Arnold Zack has demonstrated extraordinary leadership, innovation and dedication in the dispute resolution field for more than 60 years. His established contributions in labor relations, employment arbitration and mediation and beyond, are legion. In addition to the over the 5,000 arbitrations and mediations he has handled, are the many books he has authored, courses he has taught, arbitrators and mediators he has mentored, and the many countries and fields of practice which have benefited from his experience and dedication.
Arnold Zack’s intellectual and moral leadership have been an integral part of building a superior cadre of experienced arbitrators and mediators locally, nationally and across the world. Notably, he created a code of ethics for arbitrators now widely used globally. Arnold Zack has been a member of six Presidential Emergency Boards, three of which he chaired. He is a member of the Steering Committee for the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, has served as a consultant for Australia, Cambodia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Philippines and South Africa, the International Monetary Fund, the InterAmerican Development Bank and the UN Development Program. A graduate of Tufts Univ. and Yale Law, he taught the first ADR course at Yale Law and for many years in a program of Harvard Law. He also served as President of the National Academy of Arbitrators.
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