How Did I Get Here? Ep. 10: Nicole Paquin, Law Office of Nicole Paquin, Newton
“How Did I Get Here?” is a series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, who is chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with attorney Nicole Paquin, who founded her own firm and also serves as the chair of the MBA's Access to Justice Section. Paquin recounts how she made the jump to start her own solo immigration practice after previously working as a partner in an insurance defense firm and as an attorney in a plaintiffs' personal injury firm.
A Multigenerational Discussion on Lawyer Well-Being: How Can We Help Each Other?
In this episode presented by the Massachusetts Bar Association's Lawyer Well-Being Committee, host Jordan Rich talks with a multigenerational panel of lawyers, who discuss the unique challenges affecting lawyers' health and well-being at different stages of their careers. Panelists include: Marianne C. LeBlanc (partner, Sugarman and Sugarman PC), Heidi S. Alexander (director, Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being), David Rosenblatt (board member for Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers and retired former managing partner of Burns & Levinson LLP) and Michael P. Dickman (senior associate, Kenney & Sams PLLC).
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 9: Anne Selinger, Beth Israel Lahey Health, Cambridge
“How Did I Get Here?” is a series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, who is chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with attorney Anne Selinger, who is the executive director of system services operations at Beth Israel Lahey Health. They discuss how Selinger obtained her current position and prior roles, which have included serving in Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker’s administration, working at a prestigious law firm and clerking for the U.S. District Court in Springfield. Selinger also talks about the importance of mentors in her career.
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 8: Steven M. Ayer, Partner, Casner & Edwards LLP, Boston
“How Did I Get Here?” is a series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, who is chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with attorney Steven M. Ayr, who is a partner at Casner & Edwards LLP where he handles corporate law, including helping early-stage companies and founders get their businesses off the ground, serving as outside general counsel to his corporate clients, and handling sell-side M&A work. Their discussion touches on how Ayr became a partner at an established Boston law firm several years after opening his own practice, and some of the events and mentors that helped along the way.
Help and Hope for Suicide Prevention, People in Recovery
September is Suicide Prevention Month and also National Recovery Month. In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with Amanda Rowan, chair of the MBA’s Lawyer Well-Being Committee and an assistant clerk magistrate in Middlesex Superior Court; Dr. Shawn Healy, PhD., director of administrative operations and a clinical psychologist at Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers in Massachusetts (LCL); and Massachusetts Bar Association President Victoria M. Santoro about the importance of de-stigmatizing conversations about suicide and recovery -- and how community support is critical for both of these well-being issues.
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 6: Kevin Lewis, Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal Tax
“How Did I Get Here?” is a series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with Kevin Lewis, a lawyer who works as a managing director at Alvarez & Marsal Tax in Boston (A&M). They discuss Lewis' nontraditional career path from law school to his current role, including what it was like to get an LLM in Tax and work alongside CPAs and fellow tax lawyers at a Big 4 accounting firm along the way.
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 5: Michelle M. Byers of Campbell Conroy & O'Neil, P.C.
“How Did I Get Here?” is a series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, who is chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with attorney Michelle M. Byers, who is vice chair of the MBA's Civil Litigation Section, about her path to becoming a member of Campbell Conroy & O'Neil, P.C.
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 4: Liz Dillon, Assistant General Counsel, Simmons Counsel
“How Did I Get Here?” is a series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, who is chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with attorney Liz Dillon about her path to becoming Assistant General Counsel at Simmons University in Boston.
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 3: David Greco, Chief Compliance Officer, Massachusetts EOHHS
“How Did I Get Here?” is a new series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, who is chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with attorney David Greco about his path to becoming Chief Compliance Officer at the Executive Office of Health and Human Services for the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 2: Michael J. Leard, Partner, Nutter
“How Did I Get Here?” is a new series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. In this episode, host Michael D. Molloy, who is chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, talks with attorney Michael J. Leard about his path to becoming a partner with Nutter in Boston.
How Did I Get Here? Ep. 1: Michael D. Molloy, Partner, Marcotte Law Firm, LLC
“How Did I Get Here?” is a new series on the MassBar Beat podcast exploring the path from new lawyer to partner through in-depth interviews with lawyers at law firms, solo practitioners, in-house counsel and government employees about their unique path to a partner-level position. For the first episode in the series, host Jordan Rich talks with Massachusetts Bar Association Civil Litigation Section Chair Michael D. Molloy about his path to becoming a partner with Marcotte Law Firm in Lowell.
Let's Talk About Lawyer Well-Being
If you’re working in the legal profession and struggling, it’s OK to ask for help. In this episode, host Jordan Rich moderates an important discussion about lawyer well-being with Amanda Rowan, an assistant clerk magistrate and co-chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Lawyer Well-Being Committee; Rebecca Green Neale, an attorney in private practice; and Shawn Healy, PhD., a clinical psychologist with Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers. Hear personal accounts about some of the ways that lawyers and law students experience burnout, stress, vicarious trauma and other challenges, as well as some of the helpful resources available to lawyers and law students in Massachusetts.
Inside the Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission
The Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission is charged with creating a mandatory certification process for police officers, as well as processes for decertification, suspension of certification, and retraining in the event of certain misconduct. In this episode, POST Commissioner Marsha Kazarosian, a past Massachusetts Bar Association president, speaks with host Jordan Rich about the POST Commission's formation and ongoing work.
Massachusetts Lawyers Census - What the Results Mean
The Supreme Judicial Court’s Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being (“SJC Committee”) released its 2020-21 Lawyer Census Report in September 2022 – the first lawyer census report ever conducted in Massachusetts. The census was based on results of the Attorney Demographic and Law Practice Survey, which is now a mandatory part of the registration process. In this episode of the MassBar Beat, Heidi Alexander, the director of the SJC Committee, talks with host Jordan Rich about the results of the census and what it means for lawyers going forward.
Mock Trial 360: Inside the MassBar High School Mock Trial Competition
In this episode host Jordan Rich speaks with Massachusetts Bar Association Mock Trial Committee members and co-chairs, teacher coaches, student participants and judges. Each of them offer a keen perspective of their involvement in the MassBar’s High School Mock Trial Program with the hope that others will volunteer and participate in this year’s program and future competitions.
‘Tis the Season for Stress Reduction
In this episode, MBA Lawyer Well-Being Committee Co-chair Marianne C. LeBlanc and lawyer-turned-social worker Andrew Kang, JD, LICSW, talk with host Jordan Rich about the increased stress and pressure that lawyers feel generally and especially around the holidays. In addition to offering coping strategies, they encourage lawyers to seek help when needed and embrace individual wellness as a normal and necessary part of their professional journey.
Conflict Resolution Week 2021: An Evolution in Dispute Resolution
The Massachusetts Bar Association celebrates Conflict Resolution Week from Oct. 18-22. On this episode hosted by Jordan Rich, Dispute Resolution practitioners and program co-chairs Julie R. Bryan (chair of the MBA's Dispute Resolution Section) and Michael A. Zeytoonian preview the MBA's free Conflict Resolution Day webinar on Oct. 21 (4-6 p.m.), "Reimagining the Dispute Resolution Frontier: How Technology and the Pandemic Have Triggered A DR Evolution." You'll get insight into how virtual technology has changed the landscape, expanded the toolbox and affected the future outlook for dispute resolution. You'll also hear about what DR practitioners are doing to maintain wellness in the profession, as well as recommendations for those looking to get started in the field of dispute resolution.
Traps for the Unwary' Handbook Warns of Malpractice Hazards
Learn about short statutes of limitations, sticky statutes of repose and many other insidious malpractice hazards found in the newly expanded Seventh Edition of "Traps for the Unwary," the Massachusetts Bar Association’s award-winning malpractice prevention handbook. The e-publication is now available to all MBA members as an exclusive member benefit during the 2021-22 association year. In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with O’Malley, Harvey and Brosnan LLP attorneys James E. Harvey Jr. (editor-in-chief) and John F. Brosnan (senior editor) about what's inside "Traps" and why it's a must-read for Massachusetts lawyers in civil practice.
Seeking Clemency Reform In Massachusetts
The Massachusetts Bar Association Clemency Task Force was formed to review the clemency process in Massachusetts (commutations and pardons), and to propose changes in areas that have resulted in denial of equal justice under the law and undermined public trust and confidence in our criminal legal system. In March 2021, the task force issued a report recommending a series of reforms to be adopted by state leaders. In this episode of the MassBar Beat, host Jordan Rich talks with MBA Clemency Task Force members, including retired Supreme Judicial Court Justice Robert J. Cordy and attorneys Sabrina E. Bonanno (co-chair) and Patricia A. Dejuneas, about the task force’s recommendations and why these changes are necessary.
Reverse Mortgages as a Retirement Tool
In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with Jill Joyce, HUD Certified Housing Counselor and Certified HECM Counselor, and attorney Stephen Pepe, an HECM Loan Specialist at Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC, about the benefits of using reverse mortgages, as well as what to look out for when applying for one. This is one of three companion MassBar Beat podcast episodes released in conjunction with the publication of the 2021 edition of the Elder Law Education Guide (ELG), the 12th edition of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s resource guide on a wide range of legal issues affecting the lives of older adults, which is available for free at
Older Adults and Driving
In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with attorney Alex L. Moschella, chair of the MBA's Elder Law Advisory Committee, and Nicole McGurin, Director of Family Services, Alzheimer's Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter, about the common questions that arise when older adults experience physical or cognitive impairments later in life that could affect their driving, as well as resources available to help. This is one of three companion MassBar Beat podcast episodes released in conjunction with the publication of the 2021 edition of the Elder Law Education Guide (ELG), the 12th edition of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s resource guide on a wide range of legal issues affecting the lives of older adults, which is available for free at
Medicare Explained
In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with attorney Josephine Babiarz, a member of the MBA's Elder Law Advisory Committee, about frequently asked questions related to Medicare, including who is eligible; how to enroll; and the differences between parts A, B, C and D. This is one of three companion MassBar Beat podcast episodes released in conjunction with the publication of the 2021 edition of the Elder Law Education Guide (ELG), the 12th edition of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s resource guide on a wide range of legal issues affecting the lives of older adults, which is available for free at
Give Your Case a Chance: Preparing for the Initial Contact with an Attorney
Finding a lawyer to take your case can be daunting if you’ve never hired a lawyer before. In this episode, host Jordan Rich helps demystify the process as he talks with Andover attorneys Paul J. Klehm of Krasnoo, Klehm & Falkner LLP and Edward Denn of Denn Law Group LLC about what information attorneys look for when determining whether to take a case and how clients can best prepare for the initial meeting with their attorney.
Planning for Retirement and Your Future
The decision to stop working is just one of many important decisions you'll have to make when thinking about retirement. In this episode, learn the steps to take when you're considering retirement as host Jordan Rich talks with attorney Patrick Curley of the Curley Law Firm in Wakefield, Mass. In addition to answering some common retirement questions about Social Security, 401Ks and IRAs, Medicare/Medicaid, and taxes, Curley discusses the importance of having an estate plan and how planning documents, such as wills, trusts, health care proxies, durable powers of attorney and others, should be part of your retirement planning.
Protect Your Tech: Cyber Safety Tips for Home and Office
Hackers are taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the cybersecurity risks for many people — especially those working remotely. In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with Eric and Lisa Shorr, co-owners of Secure Future Tech Solutions, who share recommendations for protecting your technology, software and data, whether at home or in the office. Tune in to learn more about cloud-versus-local data storage, anti-virus software, password managers, email encryption, and more, including how to protect yourself from phishing scams.
Consumer Bankruptcy Basics
A fresh start for individuals who find themselves burdened with unmanageable debt is one potential benefit of filing for bankruptcy. But there are also significant consequences for those who decide to take that step. On this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with MBA members and bankruptcy lawyers Jordan Shapiro and Richard Ravosa about the ins and outs of filing for bankruptcy, the options available for consumers, and the considerations to keep in mind when looking for debt relief.
Remote Depositions: Best Practices and Pitfalls
Remote depositions remain the norm more than half a year since COVID-19 safety measures were put in place. In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with attorney Julianne Fitzpatrick of Kenney & Sams PC, court reporter Laurie Berg and Kenny Zais, the owner and president of O’Brien & Levine Court Reporting Solutions, about their recommendations for conducting a successful remote deposition.
Pandemic FAQs: Job Loss and Employment Concerns
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter employment relationships in Massachusetts, which is still grappling with high unemployment rates as many companies are forced to adapt their practices or close. In this episode, hear answers to some frequently asked questions about employment and unemployment as host Jordan Rich interviews attorney Kavita Goyal, a partner at the firm of Rosen & Goyal PC in Andover and chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Section.
COVID-19 Checklist for Older Adults
The 2020 Elder Law Education Guide, the Massachusetts Bar Association’s 11th Annual resource guide on a wide range of legal issues affecting the lives of older adults, is now available for FREE at In this episode of the MassBar Beat, host Jordan Rich talks with two members of the MBA's Elder Law Advisory Committee, attorneys Alex L. Moschella (chair) and Josephine Babiarz, about the guide's COVID-19 Checklist -- a new addition this year, which offers important recommendations on the forms and decisions older adults should have ready in case they are sidelined with COVID-19 or any other potentially serious illness.
Coronavirus and the Workplace
How should companies prepare for the coronavirus (COVID-19)? In this episode, host Jordan Rich speaks with Jaclyn McNeely, an employment law attorney at Morgan, Brown & Joy in Boston, about some of the issues employers should consider as they balance health and safety obligations with privacy and anti-discrimination laws. (Interview conducted Friday, March 6.)
Family Law Appeals
Appealing a judge's divorce or custody ruling can be fraught with challenges, particularly when children are involved. In this episode, host Jordan Rich interviews attorney Matthew P. Barach, author of "The Family Law Guide to Appellate Practice" (2019, ABA Book Publishing), about what makes family law appeals unique and why alternatives to an appeal are often better options.
Demystifying Malpractice Insurance
Not all legal malpractice insurance policies are created equal. Does your policy protect against cybercrimes? Are you covered when you retire? Does the fine print include a so-called hammer clause? In this episode, MBA Insurance Agency President Terry Welsh talks with host Jordan Rich about what to look for — and what to look out for — when choosing the right legal malpractice insurance coverage for your practice.
Resolving Disputes with Restorative Justice
In the world of dispute resolution, restorative justice flips the script on punitive justice and instead asks: Who has been harmed, what are their needs and who has the obligation to fix the harm? The restorative justice model has been catching on as an alternative form of dispute resolution even beyond the criminal justice arena, as more schools and companies, particularly in the #MeToo era, shift the focus to the victim's perspective. In this episode, Attorney Sarah Worley, chair of the Mass. Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution section, talks with host Jordan Rich about the advantages of a restorative-justice approach, and when it might be appropriate.
Public Defense Shortage Resurfaces in Western Mass.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to counsel for criminal defendants who cannot afford to pay for an attorney. But a shortage of lawyers able to represent indigent defendants in Western Massachusetts is again placing a burden on public defenders and the courts. In this episode, host Jordan Rich speaks with Anthony Benedetti, chief counsel of the state Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS), about the factors contributing to this recurring problem, and how an increase in the hourly rate for private bar advocates could be part of the solution.
Celebrating a Decade of Tiered Community Mentoring
The Massachusetts Bar Association’s award-winning Tiered Community Mentoring Program (TCM), based in Boston and Worcester, introduces urban high school students to information about college, provides pre-law college students with information about the law school admission process and gives law students an inside view of the practice of law with their attorney mentors. As this unique mentoring program celebrates its 10th Anniversary, Host Jordan Rich interviews past participants and current administrators about how TCM has helped students build a diverse network and enrich their careers.
Employees and the New Massachusetts Noncompete Law
The new Massachusetts law governing noncompete agreements went into effect in October 2018, bringing a new measure of fairness to the workplace. In this episode, host Jordan Rich interviews attorneys Dahlia C. Rudavsky and Ellen J. Messing of Messing, Rudavsky & Weliky PC, about the protections for employees included in the new law.
Protecting Children's Rights In Massachusetts
Who protects the legal rights of children? In the commonwealth, the non-profit Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts (CLCM) is on the front lines helping kids access the social services and legal assistance they need, from foster care and child welfare to education/special education, immigration and mental health issues. In this episode, Jordan Rich talks with attorney Jessica Berry, the CLCM deputy director, about her organization's advocacy efforts, community-wide trainings and individual legal resources available for juveniles, from birth to age 22.
Meet the 2019 MBA Access to Justice Award Winners
At its Annual Dinner on May 9, the Massachusetts Bar Association will present the 2019 Access to Justice Awards to six attorneys and one law firm, in recognition of their exemplary legal skills and service to the community. In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with the honorees about the inspiring stories behind their awards. The 2019 Access to Justice Award winners are: Rising Star, Gina Plata-Nino (Worcester); Legal Services Attorney, Luz A. Arévalo (Boston); Pro Bono Law Firm, Sherin and Lodgen LLP (Boston); Pro Bono Publico Attorney, Stephen A. Smith (Norfolk); Defender, Tinia L. Snow (Roxbury); Prosecutor, Adrian Bispham (Boston); and Lifetime Achievement Award, Judith Liben (Boston).
Transparency: The New Normal in Medical Malpractice?
The traditional “deny and defend” attitude to claims of medical malpractice may be changing as doctors and hospitals embrace transparency, disclosure, and even apologies following medical errors. In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with Boston attorney and patient-safety advocate Jeffrey Catalano of Todd & Weld LLP about how medical transparency in med-mal cases is gaining traction in Massachusetts and elsewhere, as medical professionals work more openly with patients to prevent problems in the future. (February 2019)
New MLAC Leader Talks the Legal Aid ‘Walk’
For attorney Lynne Parker, the 20th Annual Walk to the Hill for Civil Legal Aid on Jan. 24 at the Massachusetts State House will be her first as the new executive director of the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC). But Parker is no stranger to the world of legal aid, having worked more than three decades advocating on behalf of low-income residents, most recently in New Hampshire. In this episode, Parker talks with host Jordan Rich about MLAC’s role as one of the primary funders of civil legal aid organizations in Massachusetts and why funding for legal aid — the drive behind the Walk to the Hill event — is so vital to low-income Massachusetts residents facing life-changing legal challenges. For more information on the Walk to the Hill for Civil Legal Aid, see
Lottery Law: Winning is Just the Beginning
If you're fortunate enough to hit the jackpot in Massachusetts, you'll quickly find that winning the lottery is more than just a question of numbers. There are several considerations to think about before you're able to enjoy your winnings. Who claims the prize? Who signs the winning ticket? Should you take a lump sum or installment payments? Should you go public with your good news? In this episode, Nancy Weissman, an attorney whose practice includes representing lottery winners, talks with host Jordan Rich about what to expect if you win the lottery in Massachusetts.
Know Your Rights: Winter Housing Issues
If you're a tenant or a landlord, do you know who is responsible for shoveling or clearing the entrance way in the winter? Who pays for heat and other utilities? Can you be thrown out in the snow? In this episode of the MassBar Beat, host Jordan Rich talks with attorney Michael L. Lonzana, vice chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association's Real Estate Law Section, about some common housing issues that arise in rental situations.
MBA President to Promote Civic Education, Launch Trial Academy
In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with new Massachusetts Bar Association President Christopher A. Kenney about his goals for the 2018-19 year, including the MBA's role in promoting civics and civic education. Kenney also unveils plans for the MBA Trial Academy, which will train the next generation of trial lawyers and encourage them to provide limited assistance representation (LAR)to unrepresented individuals in court. The MBA's Leadership Academy and the association's work with the courts on lawyer well-being are also discussed.
The Laws of Summer: Beaches, Boats and BBQs
Do you need a license to drive a boat? Can you swim on a private beach? Are you allowed to have a fire pit or serve alcohol at your backyard BBQ? In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with Boston attorney Samuel A. Segal, chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division, about the Massachusetts laws governing everyone's favorite summertime activities.
The Language of Law: Massachusetts Resources for Limited-English Speakers
How do you find a lawyer who speaks your language when your English is limited? What happens when you go to court? In this episode, which is also available in Spanish, learn about the resources available to help non-English speakers successfully navigate the courts in Massachusetts. Host Jordan Rich speaks with attorney Melissa A. Juárez about the multilingual resources offered by the Massachusetts Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service, and the translation services offered by the courts. You'll also learn about some new ideas for increasing access to justice in Massachusetts, including Spanish-language drug courts. (También disponible en Español.)
El lenguaje de la ley: Recursos de Massachusetts para personas de inglés limitado
¿Cómo puede encontrar un abogado que hable su idioma cuando su inglés es limitado? ¿Qué pasa cuando va a la corte? En éste episodio, que también está disponible en Español, conozca los recursos disponibles para ayudar a los que no hablan inglés a tener éxito en los tribunales de Massachusetts. La anfitriona, Iliana Burton, habla con la abogada Melissa A. Juárez sobre los recursos multilingües ofrecidos por el Servicio de Referencia de Abogados de la Asociación de Abogados de Massachusetts, y los servicios de traducción que ofrecen las cortes. También aprenderá sobre algunas ideas nuevas para aumentar el acceso a la justicia en Massachusetts, incluídos Las cortes de drogas en Español. (This podcast is also available in English.)
Criminal Justice Reform: The Latest on the New Law
April 2018 will be remembered as the month when lawmakers introduced the most ambitious reform of Massachusetts’ criminal justice system in decades. Signed into law by Gov. Charlie Baker, the sweeping legislation was the result of a bipartisan compromise between Democrats and Republicans, with additional support from prosecutors, attorneys and advocacy organizations, including the MBA.
ABCs of State Superior Court Rules and Practice in Mass.
The second of a two-part series, attorney Thomas M. Bond, chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association's Judicial Administration Section, talks with host Jordan Rich about appearing as an attorney in state court (Superior Court, in particular) in Massachusetts. You'll learn about the benefits of having your case in state court, get an overview of some of the most important rules, and hear insights on courtroom etiquette. Massachusetts Bar Association members can also access related materials on the topic in the Judicial Administration library on My Bar Access:
ABCs of Federal Court Rules and Practice in Mass.
The first of a two-part series, attorney Thomas M. Bond, chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association's Judicial Administration Section, talks with host Jordan Rich about appearing as an attorney in federal court in Massachusetts. You'll learn about the benefits of having your case in federal court, get an overview of some of the most important rules, and hear insights on courtroom etiquette. Massachusetts Bar Association members can also access related materials on the topic in the Judicial Administration library on My Bar Access:
Understanding Elder Law Basics
Elder law is more than just estate planning. As the population ages and people live longer, many will encounter important legal issues that can affect their home, health and financial well-being. In this episode, host Jordan Rich and attorney Alex L. Moschella, the chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association's Elder Law Advisory Committee, answer some commonly asked questions and discuss the MBA's Elder Law Education Program ( From wills and trusts to health care proxies, powers of attorney, reverse mortgages and long-term care options, learn which documents and strategies are available to help you take control of your future.
Closing the Justice Gap
Each day people facing life-changing legal issues are going to court alone because they don't qualify for legal aid or cannot afford a lawyer. It's created a justice gap. But there are efforts under way to address these unmet legal needs. Host Jordan Rich talks with attorneys Len Zandrow of UMass School of Law's Justice Bridge Legal Center ( and Damian Turco of Lawyers for Affordable Justice ( about how legal incubators like theirs are working to close the justice gap by pairing newer attorneys, or lawyers committed to representing clients at discount, with modest-means clients.
Different Paths Through Divorce
Ending a marriage is never an easy decision. But for those who have made the choice to divorce, there are several options available to work through the process. Host Jordan Rich talks with attorney Heidi R. Webb of Consilium Divorce Consultations about the lawyer-client relationship, the interplay between law and psychology, and the different paths available, from traditional divorce to mediation, arbitration, conciliation, collaborative law and limited assistance representation.
Get a Handle on Holiday Stress
The holidays can be the most demanding time of year -- especially for those in the legal community. In this episode, host Jordan Rich talks with MBA Law Practice Management Chair Susan Letterman White (Law Office Management Assistance Program) and clinician Barbara Bowe, LICSW (Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers) about suggestions for lawyers and others in the legal community on how to handle holiday stress. This podcast discusses some of the topics covered at the Dec. 12, 2017, Massachusetts Bar Association CLE Program: "Holiday Game Strong -- Tools to Reclaim Joy this Season."…d=6006&view=month
New Trial Court Administrator Advances 'Justice with Dignity and Speed
New Massachusetts Trial Court Administrator Jonathan S. Williams talks with host Jordan Rich about the latest court technology and infrastructure improvements, self-represented litigants, and how he's working with other court leaders and the bar to advance the Trial Court's strategic mission to deliver "justice with dignity and speed."
Celebrating Peacemakers: Conflict Resolution Week
Mediation, Arbitration, Collaborative Law, Ombuds ... what kind of dispute resolution (DR) option is right for you? Guest host Jordan Rich talks with DR professionals Brian Jerome and Michael Zeytoonian about the benefits of DR and about the FREE programs offered throughout Massachusetts during Conflict Resolution Week, Oct. 16-20. Be a #peacemaker and join us.
Ride Along with the New MassBar President
From New York City cab driver to complex civil litigator, attorney Christopher P. Sullivan of Robins Kaplan LLP in Boston brings a variety of life experiences to his new role as president of the Massachusetts Bar Association. In this interview with guest host Jordan Rich, hear about Sullivan's initiatives for the coming year and why he believes attorneys are needed in the community more than ever.
New Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines
The Massachusetts Trial Court issued new Child Support Guidelines for the Massachusetts, which became effective on Sept. 15, 2017. In this episode, Attorney Fern Frolin of Mirick O'Connell, a member of the Trial Court's 2016-2017 Child Support Guidelines Task Force, talks with MassBar Beat host Jordan Rich about some of the major revisions that attorneys and families should be familiar with.
2017 Access to Justice Awards
The Massachusetts Bar Association's Access to Justice Awards honored seven attorneys and one law firm, recognizing their exemplary legal skills and service to the community. Hear the honorees' inspiring stories in their own words. Honorees include Rebecca Jacobstein, Committee for Public Counsel Services (Defender Award); Kevin J. Curtin, Middlesex District Attorney's Office (Prosecutor Award); Andrew Troop, Pillsbury Winthrop (Pro Bono Publico Award); Christopher Mirick, Harvest Power Inc. (Pro Bono Publico Award); Brian Flynn, Greater Boston Legal Services (Legal Services Award); K&L Gates, Boston (Pro Bono Award for Law Firms); Weayonnoh Nelson-Davies, Community Legal Aid (Rising Star Award); and Claire Valentin, Children's Law Center of Massachusetts (Rising Star Award). (May 2017)
'Defamation' Courtroom Drama Encourages Dialogue about Bias
Learn about "Defamation," an interactive courtroom drama that encourages its audience to examine stereotypes and perceptions of bias in the play, the legal system and beyond. Hear from Boston-area high school students and lawyers who watched the play last fall during the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association's annual presentation of "Defamation." The Massachusetts Bar Association was a sponsor of the MBLA's program, and more recently has begun presenting a series of CLEs on eliminating bias in the legal system. Learn more about "Defamation" at (March 2017)
Homeless Court: A Second Chance at Hope
Homeless Court is a specialty court in Massachusetts that gives homeless individuals with minor infractions a chance to clear their records and get a new start. Leaders from the Massachusetts Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division had an opportunity to visit this "court of second chances" at the Pine Street Inn shelter in Boston. Listen in as they share observations, interviews and stories of hope from the presiding judge, the Pine Street Inn's Homeless Court coordinator, Homeless Court participants and the president of the Massachusetts Bar Association. (January 2017)
Privilege to Practice: All the Small Things
Trial lawyer Richard P. Campbell, one of the co-authors of the Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyers Journal's Privilege to Practice ethics column, relates the tale of a once-prominent attorney's fall from grace as a cautionary reminder about lawyers' ethical obligations to their clients AND their law firm colleagues -- and how you do need to sweat the small stuff. (December 2016)
2016 State of the Judiciary Address Highlights
Listen to excerpts from the 2016 State of the Judiciary Address. This year's installment of this annual event featured remarks from Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph Gants, Trial Court Chief Justice Paula Carey, Trial Court Administrator Harry Spence and MBA President Jeffrey Catalano. (November 2016)
Leadership: All the World's a Stage
MBA President Jeffrey N. Catalano shares a little-known story about his time in the theater, and how it informed his vision of leadership. (October 2016)