
Chief Justice Ralph Gants Fund for Racial Equity and Access to Justice

The Chief Justice Ralph Gants Fund for Racial Equity and Access to Justice supports initiatives to advance access to justice, racial equity and criminal justice reform in the legal system.

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About Public & Community Services

The Massachusetts Bar Association offers various service and education programs to communities across the commonwealth. Need legal help? Interested in a legal career? Learn more about the MBA's public and community service programs. Contact us at

Lawyer Referral Service (LRS)

Lawyer Referral Service (LRS)

Find a lawyer instantly, 24/7, using the MBA's LRS, one of the largest in the nation. If you are buying/selling a home, going through a divorce, need a will, or have a legal issue, LRS helps you hire the right attorney to answer your questions.



Get free legal advice by phone from volunteer attorneys on the first Wednesday of each month (5:30 to 7:30 p.m.).

Elder Law Education

Elder Law Education

Looking for Medicare/Medicaid or health care proxy information, or have probate questions? Let us know, and we will match your senior service-related agency with an attorney to answer these questions during the month of May in celebration of Law Day.

Fee Arbitration Board (FAB)

Fee Arbitration Board (FAB)

Have a legal fee dispute with an attorney or client? The FAB provides an alternative to the use of the Small Claims, District or Superior courts. The hearing has only one purpose: to decide what is the fair and reasonable value of the attorney's legal services.

Judicial Youth Corps

Judicial Youth Corps

High school students from Worcester and Springfield can learn about the judicial branch of government and fundamental principles of law. The summer program consists of two components: an orientation to the court system and a paid courthouse internship session.

Law Day Education Program

Law Day Education Program

During the month of May, MBA members will participate in a Law Day Education program by presenting to high school classrooms on the 2022 Law Day theme.

Mock Trial Program

Mock Trial Program

Every year thousands of high school students across Massachusetts test their skills as lawyers and witnesses in a simulated courtroom competition. Learn how your students can get involved.

Tiered Community Mentoring Program

Tiered Community Mentoring Program

Students at the high school, college and law school levels are provided access to attorney mentors and other legal professionals, who provide an understanding of the legal profession and an awareness of the available career opportunities.

Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau

Looking for an MBA member to speak at your next meeting or school function? Attorneys are available to talk about a wide range of legal topics, including buying and selling real estate, wills, the Bill of Rights, employee’s rights and more.

Community Events

Wednesday, April 02

MBA Monthly Dial-A-Lawyer Program

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 07

MBA Monthly Dial-A-Lawyer Program

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, June 04

MBA Monthly Dial-A-Lawyer Program

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

More Events

Public & Community Services News

Monday, October 23

See the MassBar refreshed

MBA Staff

The Massachusetts Bar Association is proud to unveil our new and easier-to-navigate website.

Friday, September 1