Home / Education / 12th Annual Probate Law Conference

12th Annual Probate Law Conference

The only probate conference you'll ever need!

Probate-web_0924The Massachusetts Bar Association welcomes back all probate law practitioners to the 12th Annual Probate Law Conference, which will be held in person at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center on Friday, Nov. 22nd, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Whether your focus is on estate planning, administration, probate litigation or guardianship/conservatorship matters, this conference provides something for everyone, from aspiring to veteran practitioners.

The conference will offer over 22 courses with multiple programming tracks providing timely updates. 

Course topics include:

  • Estate planning basics 
  • Opening an estate under the MUPC and e-filing 
  • MassHealth updates 
  • Updates in probate law and practice 
  • Crisis MassHealth planning 
  • Health care and power of attorney litigation

The bound book of written materials for the 12th Annual Probate Law Conference will also be available for purchase in advance of the conference for $75 for MBA members and $100 for non-members. The conference registration fee includes a free copy of the ePublication for all.

If you would like to register multiple attorneys for the conference, please contact member services at (617) 338-0530. 


Conference fees include a digital copy (PDF) of program materials ONLY. If you would like to attend the conference AND purchase a hard copy of the conference book, there is an additional $75 charge for members and $100 for non-members. 


MBA members: $175
Non-members: $350

Registration is required by 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15, to participate in the conference.

Choose this option if you would like to attend the conference and receive the conference book in digital format only (PDF). This can be viewed on a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Choose this option if you would like to attend the conference, receive a digital copy of our conference book and purchase a hard copy of the conference book for an additional $75 for members and $100 for non-members. Please make sure your preferred mailing address is correct in your MBA member profile for book delivery. NOTE: Books cannot be mailed to a PO Box. 

Choose this option to ONLY purchase a hard copy of the conference book for $75 for members and $100 for non-members. Books will be mailed after the conference. NOTE: Books cannot be mailed to a PO Box.

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Rubin Rudman
Conn Kavanaugh
Rockland Trust

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Continuing Legal Education Coordinator, Rachel Leach at to learn more about our sponsorship levels.