
Section News: Meetings and more

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Complex Commercial Litigation Section Council Meeting

Tuesday, April 3, 4-5:30 p.m.
MBA, 20 West St., Boston.

To R.S.V.P., click here.

Dispute Resolution Section Council Meeting

Wednesday, April 4, 5:30-7 p.m.
MBA, 20 West St., Boston.

To R.S.V.P., click here.

Part I - Effective Strategies for the Preparation and Trial of a Complex Commercial Case

Thursday, April 12, 4:30-6 p.m.
MBA, 20 West St., Boston

In this two-part program (April 12th and TBA), two experienced practitioners and a Superior Court Judge will guide you through the process of handling a complex commercial case. Find out the “best practices” for humanizing your client, identifying and exploiting key legal issues, taking depositions with a purpose and solving the particular challenges you will face at trial in such cases. The program will take you from the initial client meeting, through discovery and depositions and conclude with a discussion of how to effectively present such a case at trial.

To R.S.V.P., click here