
Massachusetts Bar Foundation: Children’s Law Center of MAssachusetts

Issue June 2012

Every day, Massachusetts Bar Foundation grantee organizations advocate for Massachusetts' most vulnerable citizens and families. Their work facilitates access to basic human needs, such as shelter, food, safety, and above all, justice. Lawyers Journal will include examples of the stories of those who received critical services funded by MBF grants, conveyed to the foundation through recent mid-year reports.

An attorney at the Children's Law Center of Massachusetts helped a 21-year-old gain custody of her 16- and 12-year-old siblings (already involved in the juvenile court system) when their sole caregiver died of cancer.

The CLCM attorney worked to help her secure food stamps, SSI survivor benefits, MassHealth, Section 8 voucher and housing, fuel assistance and other social services to help the young family survive. The attorney went above and beyond his legal role to help the young woman with budgeting, taxes and financial management.

Thanks to the CLCM, the young family remains together, not split up within the foster care system, and is doing well.