
Volunteer attorneys answer calls from Massachusetts tornado victims

Issue July 2011

Nearly 40 attorneys staffed phones to answer legal questions from tornado victims at Western New England College School of Law on June 22.

The Tornado Disaster Relief Dial-A-Lawyer, a partnership between the Massachusetts Bar Association and the Hampden County Bar Association, was provided free of charge as a public service to help those affected by the devastating tornadoes that hit Central and Western Massachusetts June 1.

HCBA Board of Directors member Robert C. Sacco, who fielded calls at the event, said the board decided to hold a Dial-A-Lawyer during an emergency meeting held shortly after the tornadoes hit. "The initial thought was to help attorneys who were affected," he said. "But the board thought it would be best to expand it to help all tornado victims."

The MBA, which operates the Western Mass. Dial-A-Lawyer twice a year at WNEC, agreed to assist HCBA with the event as part of the MBA's mission of promoting access to justice.

The next MBA Western Massachusetts Dial-A-Lawyer will be held from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 5. The phone number is (413) 782-1659.