Throughout the country, there are approximately 2,500 drug
courts. In Massachusetts, there are 19 drug courts, including one
in the U.S. District Court and one in Bristol Juvenile Court. Drug
court is the name of a weekly session held in a court before a
judge. Probation officers, defense counsel, assistant district
attorneys and treatment providers appear with drug-addicted
defendants whose cases have been resolved by pleas or guilty
findings. Many defendants have been previously found in violation
of probation after a surrender hearing.
All drug courts do not operate in the same way. In Lawrence, drug
court is held every Wednesday afternoon at 2. Admission into drug
court can be attained after an assessment by probation with input
from the treatment providers and a colloquy with the judge. Unless
the defendant is motivated to change, drug court is not the best
Each prospective participant is assigned a mentor from the group
who discusses the program to ensure that the drug court is
explained from the perspective of a participant. As set out by the
National Association of Drug Court Professionals, the Lawrence Drug
Court session follows 10 key components.
For a minimum one-year period, a defendant receives intensive
treatment, is regularly tested for drugs and alcohol, appears
before the judge once a week while attending phase one of an Office
of Community Corrections program, then twice a month for the next
six months and once a month for the last three months.
The first phase of the Office of Community Corrections is intense
substance abuse treatment, random testing, batterers' or anger
management programs, parenting classes and GED classes and/or job
training. The second phase is less intensive but includes continued
treatment, random testing, and furtherance of programs as necessary
for completion. The last phase is a stepped down follow-through
with less intensity but continued treatment as necessary. Once a
participant completes a GED, acquires a job, permanent housing and
is drug- and alcohol-free for one year, he or she graduates.
During the year, if the defendant relapses or fails to continue in
treatment or any court-ordered programs, or if a new criminal
complaint issues, the judge responds with sanctions that may
include an order for residential treatment or the bracelet (house
arrest) or incarceration.
At each session, the judge reviews in open court the progress of
each defendant. Prior to the session, the judge, probation
officers, assistant district attorney, defense counsel and
treatment providers (OCC) and the court clinician meet to discuss
the progress of each defendant. If noncompliance is brought to the
judge's attention, a decision is made regarding the appointment of
A voice from the defense bar
From a defense prospective, attorney Janine M. Lepore
The question of whether a client should take part in drug court is
a prickly one. To some defense attorneys, drug court is a
tantamount to setting a client up for failure; leading to
inevitable jail time, albeit not without the client's probation
suffering through some death throes of relapse-related violations
before its ultimate doom. However, those who defend addicted
clients should recognize that, for some people, the structure and
support of drug court is a godsend. Many defendants recognize that
their weekly status session before the judge provides an additional
reason to remain clean on a daily basis. Initially, it appears the
added layer of responsibility to the court, and the fear of certain
incarceration for a week or more in the event of a relapse,
encourage drug court defendants to strive for a drug-free
Generally, the first month or so for a drug court defendant
involves at least one relapse and resulting incarceration. Those
who have more difficulty with their addiction and relapse more than
once face longer periods of incarceration with each violation. At
times, defendants who have had a particularly difficult time may
become discouraged, and begin to wonder whether it would be better
to simply serve their time and be done with the whole process. This
mind-set all but ensures continued addiction. Drug court is about
second chances -- and third, and fourth. It is about
eliminating the influence of addiction, and learning to function
without illicit substances. For a great majority, drug court helps
drug-addicted defendants overcome a problem they could not fight on
their own.
For those who can stay with the program, the transformation is
nothing short of miraculous. There is almost a visible change in
the defendants. Their pride and increased self-esteem is obvious as
they recount achieving one goal after the other, week after week.
As they gain momentum with each success - whether it is
another week drug free, attaining a GED, or employment - drug
court defendants seem to stand taller, and appear to be feeling
more relaxed and under control than they have felt for a long time.
Upon completion of drug court, the graduates, along with the judge
and drug court staff, celebrate their accomplishments. Drug court
is an important tool in breaking the cycle of addiction. Breaking
that cycle is the greatest success of all; not only for the drug
court defendants, but for their families and communities as
An assistant chief probation officer is assigned to the session.
Probation officers who supervise a defendant in the drug court
attend on an as-needed basis (i.e. if there is an alleged violation
or to support and praise the probationer for an
The Lawrence Court Community Corrections partnership with the
Essex County Community Corrections (OCC) is an intermediate
sanction program located in downtown Lawrence. It is a clinically
driven program designed to support, treat and supervise offenders
in custody of the sheriff's department, probation and/or parole.
This court-mandated program is run in collaboration with the
sheriff's department, the Office of Community Corrections, state
probation, state parole boards, and the Essex County District
Attorney's Office. AdCare Criminal Justice Service is responsible
for implementing the Eight Principles for Evidence-Based Practice
in Community Corrections for Effective Interventions.
The focus of the work done within the program is threefold: public
safety through security and supervision and sanctions of the newly
released offender; holding the offender accountable for his or her
crimes through this mandate; and lessening rates of recidivism
using treatment, rehabilitation and education of the offender.
Perspective from probation
Justice Beaulieu of the Ontario Provincial Court has aptly
defined "probation:"
Probation, by the very Latin roots of the word, means a testing to
determine character and qualification. It is a judicial act of
grace and clemency ... under which the execution of a harsher
sentence is suspended and a milder one is substituted on the very
clear understanding that the harsher one will be re-imposed if the
person being tested fails to honor certain terms and
As described by Assistant Chief Probation Officer Beatrice Zipper,
"Drug court is a team concept. It is a concerted effort
spear-headed by 'The Court' that includes a collection of dedicated
professionals who work together to ensure a probationer has all the
necessary tools to succeed and make the most of the second chance
the court has granted."
Drug court is an effort to break the "addict's cycle of crime."
This cycle of crime is all too predictable. A drug addict commits a
crime that leads to an arrest. There is a prosecution and a period
of incarceration. During the time of incarceration, this individual
is temporarily unable to commit crimes. However, once the
individual has served his or her sentence, the individual is
returned to society with no new tools to combat the condition and
returns to a life of crime. The cycle repeats itself.
Drug court is the tool to break that cycle. Probation serves a
variety of roles in the process. Probation officers serve as the
eyes and ears of the court, and they ensure that the probationer is
adhering to the conditions of the "second-chance contract" they
Our goal in the drug court process is to make a probationer's
increased positive behavior last. This is done by rewarding them
for each successful review at the program and in court. We aim to
produce a more confident participant and a future graduate of drug
All too often, probationers who violate the conditions of drug
court have their legal counsel argue to the court during their
surrender hearing their client "was set up for failure." However,
my experience with drug court is that we "set them up for
Lawrence District Court operates without outside funding or
grants. The court clinician helps with referrals for mental health
treatment and residential placements. Drug court emphasizes the
positive, but does not ignore the negative. The defendants know the
rules: no drugs or alcohol use. No borrowed "medicine" from family
or friends. No criminal behavior. Mandated meetings and screens are
part of "drug court life."
One year of crime-free sobriety during which employment and
permanent housing are attained will earn a diploma from drug court
at a ceremony that is inspiring and uplifting. As years go by, the
positive benefits yield a safer, stronger family unit, as well as a
safer community. A peer group of users become a peer group of sober
individuals who support one another in their accomplishments. In
short, it costs little and yields much. It makes sense and it
The 10 key components1
- Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services
with justice system case processing.
- Using a nonadversarial approach, prosecution and defense
counsel promote public safety while protecting participants' due
process rights.
- Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed
in the drug court program.
- Drug courts provide access to a continuum of alcohol, drug and
other related treatment and rehabilitation services.
- Abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol and other drug
- A coordinated strategy governs drug court responses to
participants' compliance.
- Ongoing judicial interaction with each drug court participant
is essential.
- Monitoring and evaluation measure the achievement of program
goals and gauge effectiveness.
- Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective drug
court planning, implementation and operations.
- Forging partnerships among drug courts, public agencies and
community-based organizations generates local support and enhances
drug court effectiveness.
What are we doing is a statement of our belief in the redemption
of human beings. It is a pronouncement from those in authority to
some of our least powerful and most ignored citizens that we care
about you and want to reach out and help you: your lives and
well-being are important to us. The truth of the matter is that
this may be the first time in the lives of many of these people
that someone is actually listening to them - hearing what they
are saying and telling them that they care about them and what
happens to them is important. You know, there is a mathematical
equation that for every action there is an opposite and equal
reaction. I believe this is also true in human affairs. We tell
them we care about them and they begin to feel worthwhile. Some
pretty important people (judges, lawyers, and others in authority)
are telling them we don't want them to fail - they begin to
believe they can transcend
Herbert Klein, Senior Judge, Circuit Court for Miami-Dade
County, Keynote Address at the 1996 Florida Drug Conference; The
Power of Connection: Fuel for Drug Courts.
17, 21, 23 (1997).