
Letter to the editor

Issue September 2010

I am writing to register my disappointment over the hyperbolic and inappropriate headline for Jon Krakauer's book about the death of Pat Tillman in the June 2010 Lawyers Journal, page 7. I hardly think that the Journal should descend to tabloid-style sensationalist headlines such as "Exposing the government and military lies about Pat Tillman's death."

The reviewer makes it clear that this book was designed to be provocative, and is convinced by the author's thesis. However, the Journal should not act as judge regarding the situation and swallow the author's proposition whole.

In short, the headline supported and promoted the author's one-sided accusations against our own government. A more balanced headline should have been used, leaving it to the reader to determine his or her own position regarding the accusations.

Russell D. Raskin, Esq.
Raskin & Berman
Providence, RI