AALAM hosts Summer Associates Lunch
On July 21, the Asian-American Lawyers Association of
Massachusetts (AALAM) held its annual Summer Associates Lunch at
Goodwin Procter LLP's Boston office. AALAM summer associates
mingled with member attorneys from various types of practice after
opening remarks by AALAM Vice President Emily K. Yu, of Edwards,
Angell, Palmer & Dodge, and founding member and AALAM's first
president, Paul W. Lee, of Goodwin Procter.
City Solicitors elect officers
The City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association - the bar
association of attorneys who represent local governments and deal
in local government issues - recently elected officers for the
2010-11 year. Elected were: President John Barrett, assistant city
solicitor of Fitchburg, Vice President Stacey G. Bloom, associate
general counsel, Department of Youth Services; and Executive
Director James B. Lampke, town counsel of Hull.
Also elected to the executive committee were John D. Finnegan,
special municipal and tax counsel; Margaret J. Hurley, assistant
attorney general and director of the Municipal Law Unit; Heather W.
Kingsbury, Petrini and Associates; Henry C. Luthin, first assistant
corporation counsel, City of Boston; Robert S. Mangiaratti,
Attleboro city solicitor; Gerald M. Moody, Milford town counsel;
Immediate Past President Christopher J. Petrini, Framingham town
counsel; Edward M. Pikula, Springfield city solicitor; Juliana
Rice, Arlington town counsel; and Donald V. Rider, Marlborough city
For more information on the CSTCA, go to www.massmunilaw.org or call
(781) 749-9922.
MDLA officers begin new term
The Massachusetts Defense Lawyers Association's new officers
recently began their 2010-11 term: President Holly M. Polglase, of
Campbell, Campbell, Edwards & Conroy PC; President-elect
Anthony J. Sbarra Jr., also of Campbell, Campbell, Edwards &
Conroy PC; Secretary Michael P. Sams, of Kenney & Sams PC,
Treasurer Brian O'Connell, of Zizik, Powers, O'Connell, Spaulding
& Lamontagne PC; Immediate Past President Emily G. Coughlin, of
Coughlin Betke LLP; and DRI State Liaison Christopher A. Kenney, of
Kenney & Sams PC.