Jeffrey M. Abrams
William Woodford Adams of William W. Adams, Attorney at Law
Molly E. Albano of Bose Corp.
Tahirah Amatul-Wadud of Western Massachusetts Legal Services
Indu M. Anand of the Law Offices of Indu M. Anand
Angela T. Anastas of Bank of America
Susan G. Anderson of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs
Robert J. Arakelian
Zoe Argento
Emily M. Armstrong of Goulston & Storrs
Sarah E. Ashby of Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale & Dorr LLP
Shannon R. Astle of Finneran & Nicholson PC
Joseph F. Bardouille of Bardouille & Fugate
Martha Joan Barrett of Martha J. Barrett, Attorney at Law
Anthony J. Barsamian of Hutchings Barsamian LLP
Scott R. Behman of Gibson & Behman PC
Kimberly Bender
Wendy Marie Berg of Western Massachusetts Legal Services
Joel Arthur Bernstein
Matthew D. Borrelli of the Law Office of Matthew D. Borelli
Carol Talaat Botros of Latham & Watkins LLP
David S. Bradley of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office
Suzanne C. Breselor of Goodwin Procter LLP
John M. Brinkman of the Law Office of John M. Brinkman
Robert N. Brown of Robert N. Brown, Attorney at Law
Darlene Brugnoli
George Burdick of Citigroup Smith Barney
Aaron P. Burke of the Law Office of Aaron Burke PC
Kevin M. Burke of Burke & Foskett LLC
Joshua A. Burnett
Raymond D. Buso of Raymond D. Buso, Attorney at Law
John D. Cassidy of Ficksman & Conley LLP
Anthony J. Cassino
Amoroso Cefalo
Claudia T. Centomini of Day Pitney LLP
Mark G. Cerel
Robin S. Chaykin of Fraser & Galanopoulos
Rose Church
Annmarie Ciccolo of Fidelity Investments
William J. Clary of William J. Clary, Attorney at Law
Kara Clifford of Orlandi and Sweeney PC
Kara M. Colby
Rosemary Connolly of the Office of the Attorney General, Boston
Amanda K. Cormier of the Law Office of Todd Beauregard
Richard R. Cornetta Jr. of Cornetta, Ficco, Simmler & Vallec LLP
Gregory G. Crowley of Fidelity Investments
John Paul Curtin of John P. Curtin, Attorney at Law
Airton D. Da Paixao of the Law Offices of Airton Da Paixao
Christina R. Dafopoulos
Michelle K. Davis of Deloitte & Touche LLP
Paul A. Delory of the Law Office of Paul A. Delory
Daniel Del Vecchio Jr.
Simone H. DeSousa
William David DeVaul of Cubist Pharmaceuticals
Nils R. Djusberg
Tama Benson Donovan of State Street Corp. Legal Department
Timothy J. Douros of Cubist Pharmaceuticals
Thomas S. Dresp of Maple Legal Advisors PC
Sheldon M. Drucker of the Law Office of Sheldon M. Drucker
Francis W. Dubreuil
Michael D. Duchesneau
Rosemary V. Eacmen of Rosemary V. Eacmen, Attorney at Law
Genevieve H. Fajardo of Shelter Legal Services
Stephen J. Fallon of the Law Office of Stephen J. Fallon
Louis J. Farrah II
Jessica M. Farrelly of Melick, Porter & Shea LLP
Todd A. Feinsmith of Brown, Rudnick, Berlack & Israels LLP
Peter J. Fellman of the Law Office of Peter J. Fellman
Kevin J. Finnerty of Fernandes & Finnerty
Sara M. Fleming of Ginsburg & Gaynor
John F. Foley Jr. of the Law Office of John F. Foley Jr.
Timothy P. Foley of the Law Offices of Ted Silva
Bronwyn Ford
Thomas W. Fothergill of the Law Offices of Thomas W. Fothergill
Michael A. Frates
Donald P. Gage of SDI Associates
Tracey L. Galla
Stas Gayshan of Boston College Law School
Joshua W. Gedraitis
Melissa E. Gehman
Samantha Leigh Gerlovin of Brown, Rudnick, Berlack & Israels LLP
Gayle S. Ghitelman of the Law Office of Gayle S. Ghitelman
Richard A. Glaser of the Law Offices of Richard A. Glaser PC
Scott D. Goldberg of the Law Firm of Scott D. Goldberg PC
Stephen P. Goldberg
Thomas H. Good of Greenberg Traurig LLP
Louis A. Goodman of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
John N. Greenwood Jr.
Ellen Griswold
John T. Gutkoski of Foley & Lardner LLP
Helen Mary Haley of Brofsky & Richter LLP
James Munroe Harrington Jr. of Harrington Law Offices PC
Shawn M. Hartman of Squillace & Associates PC
Megan Elizabeth Hehir
Joseph F. Hennessey
Theodore M. Hess-Mahan of Hutchings Barsamian LLP
Basha V. Hicks of Carlton Fields
Michael J. Hickson
David A. Hilton of Morrison & Mahoney LLP
John Verble Hobgood of Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale & Dorr LLP
Robin M. Hodkinson
Robert J. Hoffer
Cheryl A. Hohmann
Jonathan M. Holter of Reynolds, Rappaport & Kaplan LLC
Dorothy S. Jacobson of State Street Corp. Legal Department
Taylore L. Jarvis of Kazarosian Law Office
Peter E. Jones of McGovern & Ganem LLP
Lindsay S. Kafka of Concord Law Group
Philip M. Kalil of Manzi and Manzi
Christopher W. Kanaga of Laraja & Kanaga PC
Mischa H. Karplus
Sabre Kaszynski of Sabre B. Kaszynski, Attorney at Law
John W. Kaufmann
Kendra A. Keegan
Daniel F. Keenan of Daniel F. Keennan Jr., Attorney at Law
John A. Kiernan of Bonner, Kiernan, Trebach & Crociata
Rena A. Kramer of Goodwin Procter LLP
Anthony J. LaBrecque Jr.
Brian K. LaFlamme of Brian LaFlamme, Attorney at Law
Valerie A. Lam of Magaletta & McCarthy PC
Kevin Carl Larson of the Law Office of Kevin C. Larson
Patricia A. Lemire of the Law Office of Paul J. Sheehy
Teneshia C. Lewis of Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale & Dorr LLP
Mariam Liberles
John F. Libertine
Steven M. Lundbohm of Steven M. Lundbohm, Attorney at Law
Rosemary A. Macero of Macero & Associates PC
Margaret Arenas Malek of the Law Office of Margaret Arenas Malek
Tracey M. Manzi of New England Divorce Solutions
Arlene B. Marcus of Arlene Beth Marcus, Attorney at Law
Jason R. Markle of Keches & Mallen
Anka D. Mason of Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin PC
Ian McCallister of Brent Coon & Associates
Juliet A. McDevitt
Kara M. McLoy of Drohan, Tocchio & Morgan PC
Timothy M. McNamara of New England Divorce Solutions
Denise McWilliams of AIDS Action Committee
Gerald Warren Mead Jr. of the Law Office of Gerald W. Mead
Jennifer Mellitt
Stephen Eric Meltzer of Meltzer Law Office
JoAnne Meyers of Novick & Meyers
Jacqueline L. Modiste of Jacqueline L. Modiste, Attorney at Law
Sonya Montgomery of the University of Denver
Sean M. Muldowney of Neylon & O’Brien
John Philip Nelson of John Philip Nelson, Attorney at Law
Elizabeth E. Nickerson of Crisp, Barrett, Hebert & Uchida PLLC
Jeremy F. O’Connell of Nelson & O’Connell Title Co. Inc.
Frank R. Olah of Quaker Chemical Corp.
Donald J. O’Neil of O’Neil & Bloom LLP
Laura Otenti of Posternak, Blankstein & Lund LLP
Djuna E. Perkins of Brody, Hardoon, Perkins & Kesten
Jeffrey D. Perry of Flannigan & Perry PC
Eric L. Peters
Douglas R. Peterson Jr. of Washington University School of Law
Sarah J. Peterson of Kevin P. Phillips, Attorney at Law
Christopher Pierson of the Law Offices of James H. Breen Jr.
Bradley C. Pinta of Pinta & Schwartzberg LLP
Heidi L. Porter
Nancy J. Puleo of Posternak, Blankstein & Lund LLP
Bruce S. Raphel of Victor & Raphel & Grimaldi PC
Michael D. Ricciuti of K & L Gates
Stephen Rice
Christopher C. Rich of the Law Office of Christopher C. Rich
Jocelyn E. Richards of the U.S. Department of Energy
Michael J. Robbat of Tedeschi & Associates
Joseph I. Rogers of Salem Academy Charter School
Michael Routhier
David A. Russcol
Mary K. Ryan of Nutter, McClennen & Fish LLP
Michael Santos of U.S. GSA PBS/Property Development Division
Kevin M. Saunders
Milton Schwartzberg of Pinta & Schwartzberg LLP
Karen M. Seward of Karen M. Seward, Attorney at Law PC
Paras N. Shah of Goodwin Procter LLP
James A.W. Shaw of Segal Roitman LLP
Kara M. Simard of Borofsky, Amodeo, Vickery & Bandazian
Meredith A. Stratford of Conforto Law Group
Neila J. Straub of Prince Professional Building
Richard A. Sugarman
Coreen S. Sullivan of the Law Offices of Judith A. Wayne and Associates
Mark D. Szal of Donovan & Hatem LLP
Jonathan James Thessin of Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale & Dorr LLP
Lynn M. Thomas of 21st Century Management Consulting
David H. Tillinghast
Patrick M. Toney
Ethan Triestman of Petrucelly, Nadler & Norris PC
Michelle L. Troiano of Michelle L. Troiano, Attorney at Law
Carol M. Tsuchida of American International Group
James E. Vallee of Cornetta, Ficco, Simmler & Vallee LLP
Andrew S. Wainwright of Thornton & Naumes LLP
Susan P. Wall of Stern Keilty & Wall LLC
Edward J. Walsh of the Law Office of Attorney Edward James Walsh
Frederick J. Watson of Dunbar Law Office
William A. White Jr. of the Law Office of William A. White Jr.
Sara E. Wilson
Paul K. Woods Jr.
Bridget A. Zerner of Markham & Read
Yin P. Zhang