The DR Section is off to an exceptional start, with the section
council having had their kick-off meeting in early September,
followed by an immensely successful inaugural reception on
September 20. Close to 100 people were present to celebrate the
launch of the MBA's newest section, enjoying unparalleled
networking opportunities, and appreciating an interesting
achievement-oriented discussion by Lon Povich, Governor Baker's
chief legal counsel, along with thoughtful and inspirational
remarks by the Hon. Dennis Curran of the Massachusetts Superior
We're organizing programs to bring together DR practitioners and
users through this section - the first statewide platform of its
kind in Massachusetts. We already have more than 180 members, with
interests extending through the full range of dispute resolution
spectrum. Our liaison positions have been assigned and have been
working to establish goals in their respective areas of
- Sarah Worley, vice chair
- Hon. Patricia Bernstein, Young Lawyers
- Stephen Chow and Jeffrey Stern, Legislative
- Hon. Judith Dein and Jeanne Kempthorne, Law School
- John Fieldsteel and Merriann Panarella, Best Practices
- Jonathan Fitch, Arbitration
- Scott Goldberg, Sole Practitioner / Small Firm
- Hon. Mal Graham and Katherine Hesse, Amicus Curiae
- Nigel Long, Pro Bono
- Hon. Bonnie MacLeod and Eron Hackshaw, Membership
- Conna Weiner, Vivian Hsu and Laura Gibbs, Education
- Michael Zeytoonian and Sheri Wilson, My Bar Access, Public
Relations, and Publications
We have been reaching out to other sections to determine how the
DR group can provide the most significant support. For example, our
YLD liaison attended the recent Summer Boat Cruise and connected
with members of their section, and our Education liaisons have
initiated conversations with multiple sections in hopes of
co-organizing CLE events focused in specific practice areas. Our
SP/SF liaison attended that group's first section council meeting
and is learning about their unique needs so as to most successfully
integrate DR collaboration.
Our Best Practices group has scheduled four programs to occur
over this association year, with one to be held in Springfield.
DR's Law School liaisons have already reached out to every
Massachusetts law school to offer expert presentations and unique
observation opportunities to focused students. Our Publications
crew has scheduled a different DR-related article to be featured
every month, which you will see here in the Massachusetts
Lawyers Journal and eJournal, as well as in the DR Section's
My Bar Access Library.
Since we are talking about My Bar Access, we are working to
establish My Bar Access as the primary communication method within
the section. Doing so will enable all section members to best
benefit from the work we are engaged in. So please log in, create
your profile and set your preferences. It will take only 10
minutes, and you'll be better connected. Please start a discussion,
ask a question, and post something valuable to our library!
Our focus this year is to build critical mass, garner member
input, and put together a diverse and valuable program. Please
consider joining the DR Section (it's as easy as a click!) to
support this fellowship. As we say: Dispute Resolution - it's not
just a section, it's a community.
Brian Jerome is chair of the MBA's Dispute
Resolution (DR) Section Council.