
News from the Courts

Issue January 2014

Innovation grants announced

Ten Innovation Grants to implement projects proposed by local courts were announced by Chief Justice Paula M. Carey and Court Administrator Harry Spence. A 10-member review team of volunteers reviewed 40 proposals submitted to the Innovation Grant program. Funds were requested for a range of projects, including training, new applications of technology and program enhancements.

The 10 approved projects will cost an estimated total of $38,600, ranging from $500 to $10,000 each. They include promoting extended hours, improving public information through printed and video materials, training for a program to support adolescent women and development of courtwide databases to enhance operations.

"This is an exciting new initiative that supports the goals of the Trial Court's strategic plan," said Carey. "We wanted to encourage employees to consider ways to improve the delivery of justice and courts across the state stepped up to take advantage of this opportunity. We thank the 10-member review team, which brought a great range of expertise to this new program."

The Innovation Grant Program will issue another request for proposals in mid-February. Contact Grant Manager Jessica Fix for information on this initiative.