by Christina P. O'Neill
The UMass Dartmouth School of Law is now the state's first and
only public law school, the result of a decision by the board of
trustees of the 28-year-old Southern New England School of Law to
relinquish that school's assets to the UMass system.
The move garnered the support of legal aid organizations across
the state - and attracted critics who questioned the need for a
public law school in difficult economic times when big firms were
laying off associates.
The law school's directors and administration say that's just
the point - that its graduates are more likely to opt for positions
that are more community-based. They cite evidence of a 'pent-up
demand' for legal education as the recession begins to lift.
Applications for this fall are up threefold over the same time last
The law school, which is self-sustaining, comes under the
umbrella of UMass' $200 million research university operation with
inter-disciplinary pro-gramming, a 450,000-volume library, and the
potential to partner with UMass-Dartmouth's Charlton College of
Business and the new School of Education, Public Policy and Civic
Engagement on activities. The objective is to grow enrollment from
about 200 currently to 500 over the next several years.
In March, Lawyers Journal inter-viewed Robert Ward
(RW), dean of the UMass Dartmouth School of Law, Margaret Xifaras
(MX), the law school's chairman of the board, and John Hoey (JH),
assistant chancellor, public affairs, at UMass-Dartmouth. The
interview below has been edited and condensed for length.
LJ: With the economy in the doldrums, and eight private
law schools in the state, why do we need a public law
RW: Human beings tend to become reflective when they are faced
with a challenge and so, historically, when times are bad, people
apply to graduate schools, and law schools are no exception to
that. If you were to trace the rate of applications to law schools
over the last 20 years, I guarantee that you would find that the
numbers increased during hard economic times.
MX: For many people from various demographics and various ages,
this is as good a time as any to look at a law school alternative,
because now there is a public option which provides for
affordability and accessibility in ways that have not previously
been available. So we think this is the absolute appropriate
JH: Opponents to the public law school who cite the economy
asked why we need more lawyers. Well, what we knew all along was
that they were asking the wrong questions. The reality is, who gets
to be one? Not that we have too many, but who gets to be one? (For
student profiles, see sidebar, next page.) And now people are
taking a second look at this institution - its faculty, students
and alumni, because of all the publicity that has generated real
LJ: What do you have to do to bring the school up to
national accreditation standards of the American Bar
MX: We are regionally accredited; our students are able to sit
[for the bar exam] in many of the New England states, but not able
to sit nationally because of the lack of national accreditation. We
sought national accreditation [from the American Bar Association in
1996] and were told we needed to [add] more library [resources],
more fulltime faculty and clinics. We then invested in excess of $1
million doing just those three things and others, and when we
reapplied [in 1999], we were told that we did not have sufficient
financial reserves. That was very frustrating.
LJ: What needs to be done to make the school
RW: One of the arguments advanced by the opponents is that it
costs $40 to $50 million to start a law school, so by giving a gift
of $22 million to the university, we cut - if you accept that
hypothesis - we cut the cost of the state having a public law
school dramatically.
MX: We're taking in $4 million [annually], but we essentially
spend $4 million. And so we're operating in the black, and
obviously on those numbers, we can't put aside the reserves. We
knew this, our board talked about it endlessly, and tried to figure
a way out of the thicket. We also knew that we have assets. This
building and land has recently been appraised at $8.2 million. We
only have about $1.6 million in debt. That is a debt-to-equity
ratio that I would love my clients to have. But we can't
essentially bet the farm by borrowing against that equity, hoping
against hope that that will be at the capitalization that we need
to jump us to the next level. We would need to put everything on
the line and that's just not a good strategic plan. We thought it
would be actually simpler and clearer to give ourselves [to UMass],
essentially for the greater good.
LJ: So giving the school away rather than taking on debt
allows you to maintain the thin margin that will make the school
more accessible to public-school students?
MX: Right. Our current capacity is currently underutilized, so
the build-out required to accommodate the additional students is
relatively limited, given that you're filling underutilized
capacity. If you think of it in a business context, that just makes
really good sense, and if you think about it in a different
capacity, the university system has a capacity to use the net
equity in ways that we couldn't.
LJ: Do you think more of the students you want to
attract will be interested in the law school, now that it's part of
the UMass system?
RW: As of this morning [March 15], we have 215 applications for
the fall. Last year, for the entire recruiting season, we only had
201 or 202.
MX: We're one-third of the way through the recruiting season and
already exceeding our full-year numbers last year, so we are
trending toward what could arguably be a good three times previous
levels of applications. We have already exceeded the number of last
year, so trended out, we could see triple the applications.
JH: We have only begun the formal strategic massive marketing
effort to directly reach out to people interested in going to law
school in the fall. The delay was partly because the university
didn't want to be presumptuous about winning approval. So we didn't
want to be out there recruiting students before we knew, even
informally. We had to wait until Feb. 2 before we even began
putting things together. The idea that we're at 215 or 216 when all
last year we were at 201, that's a testament to the excitement
about the idea. There's just a pent-up demand for a public law
school option. At the beginning of a major recession, graduate
school applications flatten out. But when there's a sign that the
recession is beginning to end, there is a spike in applications and
that's what happened during the last major recession and it's going
to happen here. We're going to be riding a wave of
MX: Our student GPAs and LSAT profiles have gone up as well, and
that's important as we look to position ourselves for excellence in
performance and the application for ABA accreditation.
LJ: Has that trend laid to rest any concerns you may
have had about being able to attract talented
RW: Actually, we never had that concern. When we were looking at
different ways to undercut that argument, I never had any concern
about that.
MX: During the governor's visit last week, he met with our
students. Even though I've done this work for many years, it's
always remarkable to hear the backgrounds of these students and
their motivation. My favorite day is graduation. If you've got
38-40 graduates, you're going to have 300-400 people in the
audience. When someone graduates, their 4-year-old niece and their
89-year-old grandmother are going to be there. It's remarkable.
LJ: Is your target student audience different than
surrounding law schools?
MX: We get asked the question, in some settings, of how can you
be suggesting more graduates, more lawyers coming into the system,
when the big firms are laying off associates? That's actually one
of my very favorite questions because I can look the folks right in
the eye and say to them with all due respect to those of you who
are in big firms, our graduate students aren't going to large
firms. We graduate students who go into the community. And they
provide community service as private lawyers, but they also provide
community service in nonprofits and in public positions, but they
also provide the kind of leadership in the community that a legal
training allows them to have, on boards and in community settings,
et cetera. Those are our graduates. That's what we train for.
LJ: Will the school be hiring more faculty, and given
the economy, isn't it a prime time to do so?
RW: I anticipate that as the student population increases, we
will have to do some new hiring, because we are determined to
maintain an appropriate student/faculty ratio; the ABA says it
should be at 20:1. I also think that because there are certain
things that we believe that create the environment of a quality
legal education, the size of the classes matter, especially in the
core courses, so that may also dictate hiring some people. But in
the first year, I think we're going to go through a shakedown, and
do not anticipate many hires in the first year. Every day I see
inquiries from someone about teaching. And I'm not talking about
lawyers who are frustrated in their practices. I'm talking about
people who have been part of the legal academy for decades, who are
so excited about this idea of a public law school, with a public
mission, that they are willing to pull up roots and come to
LJ: That implies that they're currently
JH: People were coming out of the woodwork from all across the
country, saying why is it so hard to make this happen in
Massachusetts? How can we help? Everybody we asked said "We'll be
LJ: When you send out your marketing materials, what
will they say? Who is the audience?
JH: I don't think the audience is any different, per se. I think
the message is different. The things that distinguish this school
have been, and will be, that it is history-making, it is a special
focus on commitment to the community, it's attached to UMass now,
it gets all the benefits, the value that UMass adds to this. The
UMass brand is very, very powerful all across the country, but
especially in Massachusetts, and very much so in this region. You
have the indirect support generated by UMass. The revenue of the
law school is smaller than UMass-Dartmouth's $4.2 million
bookstore, but you get the advantage of a $200 million business.
UMass doesn't accrue any additional costs related to the law
school, but the law school gets the benefits of very robust
information technology infrastructure, financial infrastructure,
and backroom operations that it doesn't have to worry about any
RW: The law school has always attracted people who are
interested in public policy and now that we are a state entity, the
opportunities for that kind of discourse just increase
tremendously. Exponentially.
MX: The possibilities are endless. It's interesting to watch
some of the other law schools stepping up to the plate a little bit
more in doing more public internships and more outreach into the
community. It creates healthy competition, and that's good for
everybody. That was our attitude coming into all of this - that it
did not have to be a zero-sum game. Within a marketplace of nine
schools, all of them contributing in one way or the other to a
certain segment of the marketplace, some of them overlap, we needed
to have at least one of those nine outfits to be a public outfit.
And that doesn't have to take away from the other eight at all.
LJ: If the school is now self-sustaining, would
build-out change that status?
JH: We have the capacity to go to 500 students without making
any major investment in facility, and to direct all the investment
into faculty, which really has an impact on the quality of
education. At a model of 500 students, this school would generate
millions of dollars of net revenue.
RW: The footprint of our building is expandable.
LJ: What is left for you to do to bring the school up to
ABA standards?
JH: Critics throw out this figure: five years ago they said it
would cost $40 million. This year they said it would cost $100
million. The reality is, there has already been $88 million
RW: I am extremely optimistic about the possibility of ABA
accreditation. I think that the reason we were unable to receive it
10 years ago was the reserve issue. Since then, various questions
have been taken off the table. Questions about the profile of the
students have been taken off the table. There were questions about
the scholarship of faculty, that hasn't been on the table for
years. So I don't think there are any specific roadblocks. What
will happen is that we will have to go through a year of
LJ: You mentioned that before. Specifically, what is
RW: We have two mature institutions that are being brought
together and it will take some time to figure out how each does
business, and how to maximize the knowledge and resources of each
of those institutions. It's going to take a little bit of time to
do that, but like everything else, it won't take much longer than a
year. Once that is done, everything is pretty much in place to do
the evaluation, on whether or not it is time to go to the ABA. The
plan calls for this law school to be an ABA law school in a
relatively short period of time, and I am extremely optimistic
about that.