
Issue April 2010

Real estate attorneys, title insurers await Ibanez verdict

Framingham real estate attorney Richard Vetstein recently represented a family who had bought a house out of foreclosure about a year ago, then invested in excess of $100,000 in improvements to the property with the intention of selling it to their daughter. Before they could complete the sale, a title issue came up and put the transaction on hold.

The glitch was the downstream result of a controversial land court decision in the US Bank v. Ibanez foreclosure case, which will soon be heard by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The land court ruled that the foreclosure of the Ibanez property was invalid because US Bank did not have an assignment at the time of the foreclosure.

UMass School of Law sets agenda

The UMass Dartmouth School of Law is now the state's first and only public law school, the result of a decision by the board of trustees of the 28-year-old Southern New England School of Law to relinquish that school's assets to the UMass system.

The move garnered the support of legal aid organizations across the state - and attracted critics who questioned the need for a public law school in difficult economic times when big firms were laying off associates.

2010 Nominating Committee issues report

Led by MBA Past President Edward W. McIntyre, the Massa-chusetts Bar Association Nominating Committee has issued its report for the 2010-11 nominations for MBA officers and regional delegates.

The committee was composed of McIntyre, MBA Past President Warren F. Fitzgerald, Mary Jo Kennedy, Christopher A. Kenney, Margaret D. Xifaras, Gina Y. Walcott and MBA Past President David W. White Jr.