
Newly revised pro bono opportunities guide now available online

Issue November 2005

For many years, the MBA has offered to its membership an opportunityto access statewide and local organizations that are in need of pro bono servicesfrom attorneys, law students and paralegals. These services can range from actualclient representation to training of staff. The MBA, MBI and MBF support attorneysin the commonwealth in their efforts to provide pro bono services to those of limitedmeans. Listed online are more than 100 agencies with a wide range of legal needs.

To identify a volunteer opportunity that meets your needs,you may search by keyword, category and/or county. To access this information, pleasego to:

For your information, the Massachusetts Rule of ProfessionalConduct 6.1 states that for an attorney to qualify for contributing to the pro bonoservice, they should provide annually at least 25 hours of pro bono publico legalservices for the benefit of persons of limited means. In providing these professionalservices, the lawyer should:

(a)Provide all ormost of the 25 hours of pro bono publico legal services without compensation orexpectation of compensation to persons of limited means, or to charitable, religious,civic, community, governmental and educational organizations in matters that aredesigned primarily to address the needs of persons of limited means. The lawyermay provide any remaining hours by delivering legal services at substantially reducedcompensation to persons of limited means or by participating in activities for improvingthe law, the legal system or the legal profession that are primarily intended tobenefit persons of limited means; or,

(b)Contribute from $250 to 1 percent of the lawyer’s annual taxable, professional income to one ormore organizations that provide or support legal services to persons of limitedmeans.