
MBA conference presents Georgia Innocence Project co-founder and Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund master

Issue December 2004

A man who served 16 years in jail after being wrongfully convicted of a crime and the lawyer responsible for overseeing the federal Sept. 11 victims' compensation effort will be the featured speakers at the Massachusetts Bar Association's Annual Conference 2005, set for March 3-5 at the Marriott Copley Place Hotel in Boston.

Registration is underway - including special discounts for early registrants - for this year's conference, which has the theme of "Lawyers: Champions of Justice. Protectors of Liberty."

The annual event will expand on new programming options introduced last year, including more educational programs and speakers; new seminars on law practice management and technology; career development programs for law students and young lawyers; exhibits of the latest tools for the legal trade; and more.

The MBA's Annual Conference 2005 is the best opportunity all year for legal professionals from across the state to see colleagues and make new connections while catching up on the latest legal developments and sharpening skills.

Among the highlights of this year's conference are:

•  Calvin C. Johnson, Jr., who spent 16 years behind bars in Georgia for a rape he did not commit, will deliver the keynote speech at the Annual Dinner on Friday, March 4. Johnson was freed from prison after the Innocence Project helped overturn his conviction using DNA forensics. His acclaimed autobiography, "Exit to Freedom," recounts his horrific experience and the reality of racism in the criminal justice system. Johnson is one of the founding members of the Georgia Innocence Project.

•  Kenneth Feinberg, Special Master to the federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, will serve as guest speaker at the annual Access to Justice Luncheon on Friday, March 4. Feinberg is one of the nation's leading experts in mediation and alternative dispute resolution, and is managing partner and founder of The Feinberg Group, LLP, with offices in Washington, D.C., and New York City.

•  Recent Developments seminars in 13 practice areas. Plus, new discussion forums on selected "hot topics" in the law. (Friday, March 4).

•  New programs on law practice management issues and lawyers' career advancement and development. (Thursday, March 3).

•  Bench/Bar Forums - Join judges and lawyers in sharing opinions and ideas on critical issues facing the courts and the bar. (Saturday, March 5).

•  Tech Talk mini-seminars on law-practice topics. (Thursday & Friday, March 3 & 4).

•  Dine-Around networking/social options for attendees. (Thursday, March 3).

•  Special low pricing options for new lawyers, legal-services & government attorneys, and law students.

•  Early registration discount available for full-conference registrations submitted before Jan. 31, 2005.

Whether you are a general practitioner or a specialist, solo attorney or government lawyer, in-house counsel, legal administrator or law student, the MBA's Annual Conference 2005 is your best opportunity for professional development, business practice updates and networking with peers.