
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the news and more

Thursday, June 29, 2023


  • "Hingham’s Carey receives Mass. Bar Association’s Volunteer Recognition Award," Hingham Anchor (June 27). MBA Amicus Brief Committee Chair and Massachusetts Law Review Editorial Board member Thomas J. Carey Jr. was announced as a 2023 winner of the MBA's Volunteer Recognition Award.

  • "Burns & Levinson partner Jerry Cohen receives 2023 Access to Justice Pro Bono Publico Award from the Massachusetts Bar Association," Burns & Levinson (June 27). Burns & Levinson LLP announced that partner Jerry Cohen, a member of the Massachusetts Law Review Editorial Board, recently received the MBA's 2023 Access to Justice Pro Bono Publico Award.

  • "Attorneys weigh usefulness of SJC ruling in clarifying Dover Amendment exemptions," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 26). MBA member Christopher J. Petrini commented on a Supreme Judicial Court decision that the Dover Amendment precluded a town from denying approval of a recreational vehicle camp intended to help provide a Christian camping experience. 

  • "Free speech experts see merit in ‘Only Two Genders’ suit," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (June 26). MBA member Harvey A. Silverglate discussed the merits of a federal lawsuit filed by a 12-year-old student who was ordered to remove a t-shirt with the message, "There are only two genders."
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