Notice of openings on the SJC Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services
The justices of the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) invite applications for appointment to the Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services. The committee will have two or more membership positions open for terms commencing on Nov. 1. Membership terms are ordinarily for three years but may be shorter where new members are filling unexpired terms.
The justices seek applicants from diverse backgrounds across the commonwealth who are willing to devote their time and energy to improving the justice system and who have demonstrated a commitment to and experience in assisting persons unable to afford legal counsel for their essential civil legal needs. Persons who applied in prior years may reapply.
The SJC Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services works to support and promote volunteer legal work to assist people of limited means who need legal representation. The committee presents the annual Adams Pro Bono Publico Awards to honor Massachusetts lawyers, law students, law firms and legal organizations that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to providing pro bono services for the benefit of individuals of limited means. The committee also administers the Pro Bono Honor Roll; engages with law schools, bar associations and other community organizations to promote pro bono legal work; and considers rule changes and other initiatives to facilitate pro bono practice by attorneys and law students.
Applicants should submit a resume and a letter describing their experience and interest in serving on the committee by July 31 to Chip Phinney, Deputy Legal Counsel, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, One Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108, preferably by email to Chip.Phinney@jud.state.ma.us, or by mail.
Apply for appointment to the Standing Advisory Committee on Professionalism
The justices of the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) invite interested attorneys to apply for appointment to the Standing Advisory Committee on Professionalism.
The committee oversees the implementation of SJC Rule 3:16, which mandates that all lawyers take a course on professionalism within 18 months of admission to the Massachusetts bar. The committee's duties and responsibilities include designating and evaluating approved course providers, assessing whether the course is accomplishing its intended goals and outcomes, and overseeing the administration of all aspects of SJC Rule 3:16.
The justices will be making four appointments to the committee. Appointees will serve three-year terms. The justices seek applicants who:
- Both graduated from law school and were admitted to the Massachusetts bar within the last five years; and/or
- Have taken the Massachusetts Practicing with Professionalism Course within the last three years.
The justices strongly encourage attorneys with diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply.
Interested applicants should send a letter describing their experience and interest and a one-page resume to Anna Rachel Dray-Siegel, Assistant Legal Counsel, Supreme Judicial Court, at anna.dray-siegel@jud.state.ma.us by July 16. Contact Dray-Siegel with any questions about the application process or the position.
Clerk magistrate vacancy open for applications
The Judicial Nominating Commission is currently accepting applications for the following clerk magistrate vacancy:
District Court Clerk Magistrate — Gardner Hon. Whitney Brown
(April 23, 2021)
Application deadline: June 25, at noon -------------------------------------
Land Court adopts amended standing order on eFiling
On June 4, with the approval of the chief justice of the Trial Court, the Land Court promulgated an amendment to Land Court Standing Order 2-18: Initial limited electronic filing project. The amendment is effective June 21 and expands the eFiling pilot to the tax lien case type.
The amended standing order is available here.