
Renew your MBA membership and update your member profile

Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020
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The new Massachusetts Bar Association membership year started Sept. 1. Renew your membership and stay connected to our community while benefiting from the many tools and opportunities we offer.

Three ways to renew:

Online: Click here to renew your membership online now. You have the option to pay your 2020-21 annual membership dues in several installment payments through May 2021 when you renew online and pay by credit card (installment payment calculations available on the checkout page).

Call (617) 338-0530.

By mail: 
Renew your MBA membership through the mail with a check or credit card payment and send to 20 West St., Boston, MA 02111-1204.

Update your membership information:

Firm, email and phone: Log in to your MBA account and change your firm, email or phone number.

Mailing address: Please help us stay connected by updating your preferred mailing
— home or office — so that you will continue to receive
important MBA information and resources.

Questions? Contact MBA Member Services at (617) 338-0530.