Brighton Municipal Court moving to Brookline during renovation
The operations of the Brighton Municipal Court will temporarily move to the Brookline District Court during a period of renovation to the Brighton court. The Brighton court will be open for business in Brookline on Monday, March 4, with the relocation expected to last at least one year.
The address of the Brookline District Court is 360 Washington St., Brookline, MA 02445. The telephone and facsimile numbers to the Brighton court will remain the same. The Brighton clerk’s office will be located on the second floor of the courthouse.
Persons seeking to obtain a restraining order, a harassment protection order, or a civil commitment order for an alcohol or substance use disorder (Section 35) from the Brighton Municipal Court during normal court hours (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) may do so at the Brookline District Court.
Brighton civil and criminal jury trials will be transferred to the West Roxbury Division of the Boston Municipal Court for the duration of the renovation.
Civil jury trials originating out of the Dorchester Municipal Court will no longer be transferred to the Brighton division for trial. These cases will now remain in the Dorchester division.
Superior Court early case management pilot program survey request
The Superior Court is conducting a survey for attorneys and pro se litigants who have participated in the court’s early case management pilot program pursuant to Standing Order 1-88F. The pilot program requires that early case management conferences be held for the following categories of cases: real estate, construction, products liability and employment discrimination.
The survey results will help the court determine whether the project has been effective and whether and how it should be modified or expanded. Your answers will be anonymous. If you have participated in the early case management pilot program during the period of Jan. 1, 2017, to present, please take a brief moment to participate in the survey if you have not already done so.
Click here to take the survey.
For more information, contact Administrative Office of the Superior Court, Attn. Samantha Shea, Three Pemberton Square, 13th Floor, Boston, MA 02108, or email Shea at samantha.shea@jud.state.ma.us.