
Download the new MBA app and connect with fellow members

Thursday, Sep. 15, 2016
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Access the Massachusetts Bar Association right at your fingertips with the MBA's My Bar Access app! Download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play by searching for MassBar: My Bar Access, and instantly connect with fellow members. Share practice information, documents and tips through discussions, blogs and more -- right from your phone or tablet.


Stay connected

  • Member Directory: Get quick access to your fellow MBA members. Easily connect with colleagues phone-to-phone.
  • News: Push notifications are available for announcements and direct messages. Instantly receive the latest news from your section/division.
  • Events: View upcoming MBA seminars, conferences, section and committee meetings.
  • Discussions: Collaborate with fellow members and get answers to your questions. All of the MBA Member Groups you are subscribed to are available on the mobile app.
  • Messages: View any direct messages you've received from fellow members.
  • Contacts: Save MBA member contact information to your device.
  • Libraries: Access any document on the go.

Set up alerts

Receive notification when your section/division has a new discussion post. Click on the section/division name from the community list and then on the settings wheel to set your alert preferences.

How to download the app

massbarmembercentricTo download the MassBar: My Bar Access Mobile App:

  1. Visit your device's application store and search for the app named MassBar: My Bar Access. Save time -- use your mobile device to scan the applicable QR code.
  2. Once downloaded, launch the application.
  3. Log in using your regular MassBar: My Bar Access username (your email address) and password. You will remain logged in to the app unless you specifically log out.

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