Springfield Judicial Youth Corps

"The MBA is proud to fund and provide such an
innovative program in Springfield this year, giving students in one
of the Commonwealth's largest urban centers an opportunity to
experience firsthand how the justice system works in
MBA President Douglas K.
Sheff, Springfield Republican/Masslive.com, June
Sheff was quoted in the Republican/MassLive.com about
the return of the Supreme Judicial Court's Judicial Youth Corps
program to Springfield after a 13-year hiatus. The program teaches
public and private high school students about the judicial branch
of government and fundamental principles of law. In collaboration
with the SJC, the MBA will administer both the Springfield and
Worcester Judicial Youth Corps programs.
Of Note:
MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Operating Officer
Martin W. Healy spoke to the Boston Globe, Boston
Herald, WBUR radio and WGBH radio on Wednesday's Supreme
Judicial Court ruling to end lifetime parole supervision for sex
offenders by the state's Parole Board.
- The MBA's Dial-A-Lawyer program on June 26 in Springfield was
promoted in the Springfield Republican/Masslive.com
("Dial-A-Lawyer program offers free legal advice from local
Massachusetts Bar Association lawyers," June 12). "I've come
to realize people really do rely on the program as a way to answer
some lingering questions or to get a second opinion," said longtime
volunteer Michael Siddall, of Siddall & Siddall PC in
- Photos from the MBA Annual Dinner on May 15 were published by
Boston Common Magazine ("A Night to Remember
for MBA").