One Fund's Final Protocol

"We are grateful that the One Fund appears to have
listened to our concerns and crafted its protocol to be more
inclusive of all survivors, including those with invisible injuries
who are now more expressly eligible for cash gifts in addition to
programmatic support."
MBA President Douglas K.
Sheff, Boston Globe, June 28
Sheff was quoted in the Globe in a story on the One Fund's final
protocol for Marathon bombing survivors hoping to receive financial
compensation in the second round of disbursements. The protocol now
includes those survivors who suffered invisible injuries such as
hearing loss and traumatic brain injury. Sheff was also quoted on
Boston.com and in the Boston Business Journal.
Voir Dire Bill

"It's highly concerning that the Superior Court is
spending an enormous amount of energy trying to defeat a measure
that would ensure a level playing field and eradicate
discrimination and racism from the venire. Frankly, their
objections to this are truly befuddling."
MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief
Operating Officer Martin W. Healy, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, July 7
Healy was quoted in a cover story on a bill that would allow
attorney-conducted voir dire in the Superior Court. The House
approved the bill last month. The proposed law would make attorney
voir dire permissible across the Superior Court.
Law School Enrollment
"It's a complete structural change, and it's not
going away. The end result is fewer graduates, and fewer law
MBA Past President Richard P.
Campbell, Boston Globe, July 6
Campbell spoke to the Globe as part of a story about declining
enrollment at the nation's law schools. During his MBA presidency,
Campbell created a Task Force On Law, The Economy and
Underemployment which addressed the topic of underemployment among
recent law school graduates in its report.
Criminal Justice Attorney

"We're pretty much at rock bottom in terms of pay
scale. We obviously want to see much more attention paid to
MBA Chief Legal Counsel and Chief
Operating Officer Martin W. Healy, Boston Globe, July 1
Healy spoke to the Globe about the recently approved state
budget that provided only slight raises for assistant district
attorneys and public defenders. The MBA recently released a report on the low salaries of attorneys
working within the state's criminal justice system. Healy also
appeared on WBUR's Morning Edition to discuss the
Gunshot Detection Technology

"That's impermissible under the state wiretap
statute without party's consent, so that's where it is most
MBA Individual Rights &
Responsibilities Section Vice Chair Richard W. Cole, WGBH, June 30
Cole provided his insight for a story on Guardian, a new gunshot
detection technology which will be used in Methuen public schools
this fall. Privacy is a potential issue as the technology records
audio of its surroundings when activated.
Of Note:
- MBA Treasurer Robert W. Harnais was featured in the Braintree Forum ("Braintree Planning Board
chairman Harnais earns recognition" - July 9) as the recipient of
the Alfred P. Malaney Award presented by the Quincy Bar Association
for distinguished legal services.
- MBA members Michael S. Gove of the Business Law Section and
Young Lawyers Division and Robert L. Dambrov of the Labor &
Employment Section were featured in the monthly legal Q&A
column in the Springfield Republican/MassLive.com. ("Ask the
Experts: Life estate could allow property member to remain" - July
- On June 27 the MBA hosted and co-sponsored a gubernatorial debate with
CommonWealth magazine featuring three independent
- MBA member Susan Mielnikowski appeared as a live guest on "Mass Appeal," a morning talk
show on WWLP 22 News in Springfield to promote the Western
Massachusetts Dial-A-Lawyer program on June 26.