The Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys (MAHA), the
leading Hispanic legal organization in Massachusetts, recently
announced its 2014 executive officers and board of directors (full
bios are available here):
- Jessica A. Massey, president, Massachusetts Attorney General's
- Salomon Chiquiar-Rabinovich, president-elect, U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development
- Migdalia I. Nalls, vice president, Suffolk County District
Attorney's Office
- Sebastián J. Pacheco, treasurer, Massachusetts Appeals
- Anet M. Castro, Esq., co-clerk
- Ruth Deras, co-clerk, Law Office of Ralph Carabetta
- Danilo Avalon, immediate past president, Avalon Law Offices
- Elbert Baquero, Leader Bank
- Victoria Bonilla-Argudo, Law Office of Bourbeau & Bonilla
- Robert W. Harnais, Mahoney & Harnais (MBA treasurer)
- Roland D. Hughes, Law Office of Roland D. Hughes
- Gregory A. Madera, Fish & Richardson PC
- Andres Morales, Jr., Andres Morales Jr., PC
- José P. Sierra, Fish & Richardson PC
MAHA is an affiliated bar of the Massachusetts Bar Association.
MAHA President Jessica A. Massey says that one of her goals this
year is to increase MAHA's collaborative efforts with other local
bar associations and community organizations.
Massey and her fellow officers take the helm during a particularly
exciting time for MAHA. The Hispanic National Bar Association
(HNBA), the premier professional organization representing the
interests of the Hispanic legal community in the United States,
recently chose Boston as the site of its Annual Convention in 2016.
MAHA will serve as the host bar association during the convention,
the first Boston-based Annual Convention in the HNBA's 30-plus year