Top: MBA President Robert L. Holloway Jr. presents the Daniel F. Toomey Excellence in the Judiciary Award and the Excellence in Legal Journalism Award at the May 2 "Excellence in the Law" event.
Middle: The Hon. Sandra Lynch, chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, accepts the Daniel F. Toomey Excellence in the Judiciary Award.
Bottom: Sam Fleming, WBUR’s managing director of News and Programming, accepts the Excellence in Legal Journalism Award.
Photos by Mike Ritter/
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and the Massachusetts Bar
Association honored the best of the legal profession at "Excellence
in the Law" on the evening of May 2 at the Renaissance Boston
Waterfront Hotel.
Following welcome remarks led by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Publisher Susan Bocamazo, MBA President Robert L. Holloway Jr.
presented the Daniel F. Toomey Excellence in the Judiciary Award to
the Hon. Sandra Lynch, chief judge of the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit; and the Excellence in Legal
Journalism Award to WBUR-FM's News Department.
Lynch is the first woman to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the First Circuit, and in 2008, became its first female chief
judge. Lynch is the ninth chief judge of the First Circuit Court of
Appeals since Congress created the position in 1948.
With operations based on the campus of Boston University,
WBUR-FM is the preeminent news and information public radio station
in Massachusetts, reaching close to 500,000 listeners each week.
With its extensive newsroom, WBUR produces hourly local newscasts,
original reporting, investigative and feature series, and in
addition, has a robust -- and growing -- digital presence at
The event also saluted the 2013 Up & Coming Lawyers, as well
as the recipients of this year's other Excellence in the Law awards
for diversity, pro bono, marketing, firm administration and
For more Excellence in the Law coverage, look in the June
Lawyers Journal.