How to post a blog
The Massachusetts Bar Association has launched My Bar Access, a
valuable new member benefit, which provides MBA members will an
opportunity to share practice information in one convenient, online
Each MBA section/division has an interactive blog option on My
Bar Access, which offers members an opportunity to post opinions
about recent legal decisions, personal experiences in the
courtroom, practice tip ideas and more.
How to start a blog
- Visit My Bar Access.
- Log-in to My Bar Access using your MBA user name and
- Click on BLOGS in the My Bar Access gold navigation bar.
- In the BLOGS drop-down menu, click on "Create New Blog."
- Follow the My Bar Access blog template to create your entry. If
you want to associate the blog with a particular My Bar Access
group, choose your section/division from the drop-down menu under
the content box. Don't forget to spell check.
- Click on who can see your post.
- Click on who can make comments on your blog entry.
- Click the "Publish" button to make your blog live.
The blog post will display on your My Bar Access homepage and on
your member group's landing page, if you associated the blog with a
specific My Bar Access group.