
Issue November 2009

Marshall: Budget cuts will put justice in “jeopardy”

Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall delivered a dire warning in her 10th Annual Address to the Legal Community: "Justice is in jeopardy in Massachusetts," she told nearly 200 people at the John Adams Courthouse on Oct. 21. Marshall, who was recognized with the Massachusetts Bar Association's Chief Justice Edward F. Hennessey Award on her tenth anniversary as chief justice, used the annual speech to convey how serious the situation is, rather than chart how much progress the courts have made, as she has done in past years.

From student champion to coach/committee member, McGuire makes strong case for MBA Mock Trial Program

The mustachioed high school senior sneered as the much shorter, and more earnest, 13-year-old wearing a bow tie questioned him on the stand. "By the end of the cross-examination, I got the smirk off his face," says the questioner, Joshua McGuire, still satisfied with the victory some 21 years later.