
Three ways to 'Get Involved!'

Issue November 2003

Elder Law Education Program

During the month of May, in celebration of Law Day, MBA members throughout the state volunteer their time to speak at their local senior center or council on aging on various elder-legal topics. Topics range from basic elder legal issues to more substantive areas of law.

If you are interested in volunteering, please call (617) 338-0695 or e-mail [e-mail communityservices].

Job Shadow

For one day in February, the MBA sponsors young people from various communities in the commonwealth to "shadow" attorneys to gain an appreciation for legal work in general and the area shadowed in particular.

The goal of Job Shadow is to provide a favorable experience to the students, to foster an appreciation for the importance of living in a society of laws, to create a positive impression of lawyers and to introduce students to a variety of careers available at a law firm. Attorneys from all areas of law are encouraged to participate - business, probate, real estate - all are equally interesting. During the Job Shadow Day, attorneys are encouraged to visit their local courthouse and introduce the young people to other legal professionals in and outside of their offices.

Client Service Pamphlets

The MBA publishes pamphlets explaining the basic legal issues surrounding common situations that your clients may face, such as buying a house or drafting a will. Displayed in your office reception area, the pamphlets are a great enhancement to communication and client service. You may purchase these pamphlets in bulk for a nominal fee.