As some of you know, the MBA sent out a marketing survey to a random sample of its members late last year. I wanted to thank the large number of you who took the time to fill it out and return it to us.
We were pleased to hear that, on balance, most of you find considerable value in your membership in the MBA, although your answers also provided insight into areas in which the bar needs to improve. The survey responses enlighten both the bar leadership and bar staff in our ongoing efforts to serve the membership better.
Among the things we learned from the responses is that our publications and CLE seminars are the services you value most highly. The MBA Insurance program and Casemaker also had very high perceived value.
By contrast, fewer of you find important the retail-type products and services we offer at a discount, such as overnight delivery services or cellular phone service, although those of you who use those services find them highly satisfactory. We also gained some insight into the nature of new services that you would prefer to see and we will make those areas our priority.
More mentoring
Feedback from the Annual Conference confirmed the value that newer members of the bar place on the mentoring and networking roundtables we conduct. Consequently we are offering these programs across the state over the next few months.
The next mentoring session will be in Springfield at the Western New England College School of Law on April 30 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The program at the Annual Conference sold out quickly, so register early!
LRS update
Now is the time to become a member of the MBA's highly successful Lawyer Referral Service for the coming year (the LRS membership year runs from April 1-March 30). If you have never been a member before, this is a great year to give it a try.
Did you know that we made more than 25,000 referrals to our LRS members last year? The LRS is advertised in the Verizon Yellow Page Book and on the radio.
Those of you who are members in the past have been receiving renewal information in the mail. If you haven't already sent them in, don't miss another referral. Please read the instructions carefully this year - the application requirements are very specific and we have really tried to enhance the directions to make it easier for you to fill them out correctly.
Ballots coming soon
Keep an eye out for another very important piece of mail from the MBA. Soon our ballot for this year's slate of officers is on its way. This is your opportunity to be heard in the process of deciding next year's leadership team for your organization. So please take the time to vote and send us your ballot.