
Lawyers Journal

The MBA's bi-monthly newspaper includes association news, practical columns and Section Review articles.

Issue March 2011

National Women's History Month

The first semblance of celebrating women's history in our nation came to light in the 1970s. The official observance has since grown into a month-long celebration. First recognized as "Women's History Week" in 1981, National Women's History Month carries throughout the month of March and enjoys bipartisan support in the House and Senate, as both continue to support the resolution annually.

This national observance is also a timely excuse for me to highlight the extraordinary women who enrich our profession and those who simply serve as an inspiration to us all.

Supreme Court Justice Breyer to speak at Centennial Dinner

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer will deliver the keynote speech at the MBA's Centennial Conference, the highlight of the organization's 100th anniversary celebration, which will be held May 18 and 19 in Boston.

"We are honored to have a sitting justice on our country's highest court accept our invitation to share his insight firsthand at our Centennial Dinner. We look forward to what will be a remarkable keynote address," said Martin W. Healy, the Massachusetts Bar Association's chief operating officer and chief legal counsel.

Women Leaders of the MBA

In 1913, the Massachusetts Bar Association set a national precedent when it admitted its first female member, Mary A. Mahan. After this milestone, it would be quite some time for the MBA to appoint its first female president. However, when it did in 1986, each of the eight female leaders of the MBA blazed impressive, but distinct paths during their respective terms.