
Lawyers Journal

The MBA's bi-monthly newspaper includes association news, practical columns and Section Review articles.

Issue November 2006

Young Lawyers Section evolves into an MBA division

In a move that promises to invigorate the Massachusetts Bar Association's newer members, the Young Lawyers Section has been reorganized as the Young Lawyers Division, with more autonomy and high expectations.

Delegates gather at SNESL for inaugural HOD meeting

In line with Massachusetts Bar Association President Mark D Mason's commitment to the next generation of legal professionals, the MBA's first HOD meeting of 2006-07 was held on Sept. 20 at Southern New England School of Law in North Dartmouth.

MBA's Family Law Conference draws over 200 attendees

The Massachusetts Bar Association held its 16th Annual Family Law Conference Oct. 13-14, at the Chatham Bars Inn on beautiful Cape Cod. The theme of this year's conference was "Show Me the Money: Financial Issues in Family Law Practice," and featured 13 judges and a range of seasoned attorneys and accountants. This year's conference was a remarkable success, with over 200 attorneys and students in attendance.

Democratic liberty requires an educated public

Civic apathy, especially among the young, is now the norm. Most college students don't vote, don't involve themselves in political campaigns and don't follow public affairs.