
MBA Applauds Passage of Court IT Bond Bill

Thursday, Aug. 4, 2022
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MBA President Thomas M. Bond has advocated for passage of the IT Bond Bill

The Massachusetts Bar Association applauds the House of Representatives and the Senate for passing the Court Information Technology Bond Bill, which provides $164 million in bond bill funding to modernize state courthouses in Massachusetts.

MBA President Thomas M. Bond, who has championed the bill on behalf of the MBA, said: “This much-needed investment in our court system is a big win for court accessibility in Massachusetts. The last two years have taught us that better technology is essential to guarantee access to justice for everyone. Funding these IT improvements will build upon the advances in virtual technology adopted during the pandemic and make nearly all court functions more efficient and paperless, improve digital security, and streamline the court-user experience. We strongly urge the governor to sign this vital piece of legislation.”