
Notable & Quotable: MBA members in the media

Thursday, Aug. 17, 2017

Notable & Quotable

  • "The man who knows Aaron Hernandez's secrets," Esquire, (August 15) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy offered commentary in a national profile piece on defense attorney Jose Baez, who represented former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez in a Boston double-murder trial.
  • "Courthouses should not be used for routine immigration arrests, House says in resolution," ABA Journal, (August 15) -- MBA Immediate Past President Robert W. Harnais and MBA member Wendy S. Wayne were quoted about the ABA's adoption of Resolution 10C, which urges U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Protection to treat courthouses as sensitive locations and to only conduct such arrests there "upon a showing of exigent circumstances and with prior approval of a designated supervisory official."
  • "ABA House backs ban on mandatory minimums," ABA Journal, (August 15) -- MBA member Kevin J. Curtin was quoted about the ABA's adoption of Resolution 10B, which opposes the imposition of mandatory minimum sentences in any criminal case.
  • "McGovern: Holdout could help defense," Boston Herald (August 15) -- Former chair of the MBA's Criminal Justice Section Peter Elikann provided analysis of the "Top Chef" extortion trial in which a juror was accused of "assuming guilt over innocence." Elikann was also interviewed on the same topic by Boston 25 News and WBZ NewsRadio 1030.
  • "New attorney voir dire rule met with lukewarm reviews," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 14) -- MBA Chief Legal Counsel Martin W. Healy and MBA members Annette Gonthier Kiely (MATA president), Michelle I. Schaffer (MDLA president), Hon. Maynard M. Kirpalani, Valerie A. Yarashus (MBA past president), and Marc L. Breakstone offered commentary on revised Superior Court Rule 6 dealing with attorney-conducted voir dire.
  • "Client privilege can't be pierced by corp. officers," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 14) -- MBA members Howard M. Cooper and Daniel J. Lyne were quoted on a recent decision in the Superior Court's Business Litigation Session.
  • Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (August 14) -- MBA member and former District Court judge Richard D. Savignano was profiled in the Hearsay column in a piece about his move from the bench to a position as first assistant in the Plymouth County District Attorney's Office.