Western Mass. Dial-A-Lawyer
"For more
than 20 years the Massachusetts Bar Association has made it easier
for Western Massachusetts residents to get answers to their legal
questions through our Dial-A-Lawyer program. Many people cannot
afford legal assistance, and we consider it a privilege to be able
to assist members of the community who don't know where to turn
when legal questions arise."
MBA President Marsha V.
Kazarosian, MassLive.com/The Republican, October
Kazarosian was quoted on the MBA's
Western Mass. Dial-A-Lawyer program which will take place on Oct.
22 from 4 to 7 p.m. Residents of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and
Hampshire counties can call (413) 782-1659 during the three-hour
program to reach one of the dozens of volunteer lawyers from the
MBA who will be fielding phone calls.
Your rights when a retailer goes
out of business
"If something like that occurs, you have to be
proactive. You can't sit back. The fact that they're not answering,
the fact that they took my property, this could be considered a
criminal act on their part."
MBA President-elect Robert W.
Harnais, WHDH TV (Channel 7), October 9
Harnais provided his analysis for "Solve it 7," a new segment on
WHDH which aims to address problems faced by consumers and local
residents. In this featured case, a recently married couple tries
to get a wedding dress back from a bridal shop that went out of
business while still in possession of the dress.
MBA Consumer Advocacy
Symposium/Pinnacle Awards
"We wanted
to make sure we're providing service to consumers when they need
assistance, when they need help with business programs, but we want
to recognize businesses when they're doing things right."
MBA Vice President Christopher
A. Kenney, Boston Business Journal, October 15
Kenney, the chair of the MBA's Consumer Advocacy Task Force,
spoke to the BBJ about the upcoming Consumer Advocacy Symposium on
Oct. 29 at Suffolk Law School which will feature the inaugural
presentation of the MBA's Pinnacle Awards to Staples and Dancing
Deer Baking Company.
Tsarnaev knowledge of 2011 triple
"They may
realize that they're not going to win and get a not guilty at the
trial, but they're setting this up so that they can have mitigating
circumstances on why he shouldn't receive the death penalty and
instead should receive life in prison."
MBA Criminal Justice Section
Vice Chair Peter Elikann, FOX25, October 11
Elikann was interviewed by FOX25 for a story on accused Boston
Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's possible knowledge of his
deceased brother Tamerlan's alleged involvement in a 2011 triple
murder in Waltham. Federal prosecutors say they have identified a
witness who is ready to testify that Dzhokhar knew about Tamerlan's
involvement in the Waltham case.
Of note:
- MBA Criminal Justice Section Vice Chair Peter Elikann also
appeared as a guest on FOX 25 to discuss the case of Erika Murray,
a mother from Blackstone who kept her children in an unsanitary