
MBA applauds initial guidelines for attorney-conducted voir dire

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014
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The MBA supports the recent release of Superior Court Standing Order 1-15 governing the protocols for attorney-conducted voir dire, which addresses the questioning of prospective jurors in Superior Court jury trials. With the release of this order, the court has taken a tremendous step toward assuring fairness in jury trials.

"This is a great day for justice," said MBA President Marsha V. Kazarosian. "By addressing key elements such as panel voir dire and the standards for dismissing jurors for cause, the protocols are a welcome advancement for all Massachusetts trial lawyers who work towards impartiality in our courts. The MBA applauds Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph Gants, Superior Court Chief Justice Judith Fabricant and the SJC Committee on Juror Voir Dire for crafting a well-reasoned, comprehensive and thoughtful approach to the use of attorney voir dire in Massachusetts. These protocols provide for a much-needed segue into the process as judges and lawyers learn together in its evolution. We look forward to working with the courts to implement and hone the skills of voir dire to root out juror bias."