"We are all Bostonians" is how Keith B. Norman, executive
director of the Alabama State Bar paraphrased President John F.
Kennedy in a recent letter of support to the Massachusetts Bar
On May 3, 2013, the Alabama State Bar Board of Bar Commissioners
adopted a resolution that recognized "the people of Boston who
responded so unselfishly to lend assistance to the victims" of the
Marathon Bombing.
"The pluck of this great city during and following this tragic
episode was an inspiration to Americans everywhere," Norman
Through its resolution, members of the Alabama Bar offer their
deepest sympathies to the victims of the Boston bombings while
giving highest praise to each person who assisted those injured on
that fateful day. The resolution also notes that lawyers are
a "vital part of keeping 'Boston Strong'" and help to
maintain the integrity of the American legal process that offers
all suspects a fair and impartial trial.
This resolution was sent to the mayor of Boston, the chairman of
the Boston Marathon and the presidents of the Massachusetts Bar and
Boston Bar associations.