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2024 Elder Law Education Guide now available

Thursday, May 2, 2024
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The 2024 edition of the Elder Law Education Guide (ELG), the 15th edition of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s resource guide on a wide range of legal issues affecting the lives of older adults, is now available online. The ELG was produced by the MBA's Elder Law Advisory Committee with the generous assistance and continued collaboration of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.

This year's guide features an expanded Table of Contents that provides a full overview of each chapter, helping readers more easily find information on topics of interest. With a focus on addressing the needs of older adults as they age, the guide covers issues ranging from estate planning and the probate process to long-term care insurance and protection of the family home and other assets. The guide also discusses planning strategies for disability and incapacity, for Medicare and other public benefits, and for Social Security during retirement, as well as housing options and alternatives to nursing homes.

To coincide with the publication of the ELG, the MBA's Elder Law Advisory Committee and volunteer attorneys will once again partner with senior centers and councils on aging to offer presentations on legal topics of importance to older adults during the month of May. Presentations will take place virtually or in person depending on the preferences and health protocols of each organization.

The ELG will be distributed to all participating organizations in the commonwealth. It is also available to all members of the public to read or download for free online at