COVID-19 Update: Trial Court Operations Following Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2020Trial Court
In light of the increasing COVID-19 infection rate in Massachusetts and the country, and using guidance from medical experts, the Trial Court will significantly reduce in-person court operations from Friday, November 27, through Friday, December 4. Courthouses will remain open during this time, and Trial Court staff will be maximizing remote work and leveraging the technologies in place to conduct operations remotely.
The reduction of in-person hearings has the potential to significantly limit presymptomatic individuals from entering courthouses, and reduces the potential of those individuals infecting others.
Based on the growth rate over the last two weeks in exposure and positive tests for staff and court users, which resulted in court closures, Trial Court leaders have concluded that this plan is the best approach to balancing the need to provide access to courts and protecting the health and safety of court staff and court users.
To the extent possible, matters already scheduled during this time will be held as virtual proceedings. Parties, attorneys and court users with questions about matters scheduled during this time should contact the appropriate clerk’s, register’s, or recorder’s office.