
Individual Rights Open Section Meeting - Guantanamo Bay


Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Massachusetts Bar Association
20 West St
Boston, MA, 02111


Jean Stevens

(617) 338-0641


Opened – Closed, Why and When

            This open meeting presentation will explore the legal issues relating to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as well as legal, ethical and political principles relating to detainees. 

            The panel will explore whether and to what extent Guantanamo Bay, Cuba , should be opened or closed, and the faculty will suggest what role citizens and legal practitioners can have as to the legal and political process.

Topics include:

.           Representation of detainees;

.           The legal, ethical and political issues involved in representation of detainees;

.           The role of citizens and lawyers as to Guantanamo Bay;

.           Selected syllabus of Supreme Court decisions regarding detainees;


Frank A. Smith, III, Esq., program co-chair

Jonathan Mannina, Esq. program co-chair

Buz Eisenberg, Esq.
Weinberg & Garber, P.C.,Northampton


Shiva Karimi, Esq.
Karimi & Associates, PC, Boston


Kevin G. Powers, Esq.
Rodgers, Powers &  Schwartz, LLP, Boston

Robert Roughsedge, Esq.
Lawson & Weitzen, LLP, Boston

Sponsoring Section:

Civil Rights & Social Justice Section

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