
Annual Juvenile Justice Center Children on Trial Conference


Date: Friday, April 30, 2010
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Suffolk University Law School
120 Tremont Street
Boston, MA

This year's Children on Trial conference begins with a keynote address from the Department of Justice on "New Directions in Juvenile Justice". Focus then turns to the shackling of children in juvenile courts and the new policy instituted in Massachusetts on March 1, 2010. Kids in Crisis takes an in-depth look at the specific implementation issues and psychological effects of shackling. Justice Michael F. Edgerton, chief justice of Juvenile Courts in Massachusetts, explains the new policy and issues facing judges and counsel. The Hon. Edwina Richardson-Mendelson, administrative judge of the Family Court in New York City will speak about her experience and perspective on security issues in NYC, where most juveniles are not shackled. National and local experts will then address issues regarding the dangers of detention and strategies and alternatives for reducing the number of youth detained pre-trial.

The panel will also discuss the on-going work the Department of Youth Services is doing with the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative (JDAI) to lessen the reliance on secure detention. In the early 1970's, Commissioner Jerome Miller of the Department of Youth Services began what came to be known as "The Massachusetts Experiment" in juvenile justice reform. In this special presentation, Miller will discuss reform efforts both locally and nationally with former Commissioner Joe Leavey  and the current Commissioner Jane Tewksbury.

Flaschner Judicial Institute and Committee for Public Counsel Service

For more information and to register, click here or call (617) 573-8627.

Cost: $69

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