
Juvenile and Child Welfare Section Council Meeting


Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.


Massachusetts Bar Association
20 West St
Boston, MA, 02111


Jean Stevens

(617) 338-0641

The guest speakers  will be


Dr. Robert Kinscherff who will speak on his trip to Nepal.  Dr. Kinscherff has been a member of the MSPP faculty since 1999 and is currently the Director of the Forensic Specialization Track where he teaches Forensic Psychology I and II. A forensic psychologist and attorney, he currently serves as the Director of Juvenile Court Clinic Services for the Juvenile Court Department of the Massachusetts Trial Court. He also holds teaching faculty positions through the Harvard Medical School and the Boston University School of Law. He is recent past Chair of the Ethics Committee and a current member of the Committee on Legal Issues of the American Psychological Association. He currently serves on the joint task force of the American Psychological Association and the American Bar Association examining psychology- law issues and professional interactions. In recent months he has consulted to FBI projects on domestic and international terrorism. His research and professional practice areas include juvenile forensic mental health, juvenile and adult sexual offenders, serious delinquency and juvenile homicide, violence risk assessment and management, and severe and unusual forms of child maltreatment.

and Kristen Noto Palmieri, Assistant District Attorney, Middlesex County

Sponsoring Section:

Juvenile & Child Welfare Law Section

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