Make plans to go to Detours & OnRamps, a one-day event focused on
work/life balance, restarting a career, or making a career work for your family.
Mention the Massachusetts Bar Association to save $25 off the day's
$125 registration fee (which covers sessions, meals, and a great "Goody Bag" of
books, magazines, discounts, and more). Simply enter "MassBar" on the
registration page where it asks "Where did you hear about us?" and you'll get a
$25 credit within a day of registration. For a complete agenda, additional
cities/dates, and for registration information, visit
8:30-9 a.m.: Arrivals and Registration
9-10 a.m.: Opening Keynote: Randi Bussin, Aspire for
The world of work and business has changed FOREVER. In this difficult
economy, layoffs are rampant and competition for jobs and new clients is
intense. How are you dealing with the realities of this new world of
work? If you are currently employed, out of work, re-entering the workforce
or running your own business, the key to success and to achieving your goals is
to differentiate yourself, through a strong personal brand. In her keynote
address, Randi will explore What is Branding and and give an introduction to
Personal Branding.
10-10:55 a.m.: Building Block Sessions
*Note: Choose
1 of 2; each breakout will run 40 minutes with 15 minutes for networking within
the breakout at the close.
- Entrepreneurship/Running Your Own Show
Got a great
idea for a business but don’t know where to start? We’ve gathered successful
entrepreneurs to talk about what works and what doesn’t. From online
businesses to networking options, you’ll get resources and ideas to put your
dream into action. Panel Discussion: Marie Schwarz, TeenLife Media LLC;
Cary MacMillan Keller,
- How Far Can you Bend? Making Flexibility Work
Ready to
go back…but need some flexibility to make family AND career work? Keep
everything running smoothly…and yourself sane! Lisa Adams
11-11:55 a.m.: Building Block Sessions
*Note: Choose
1 of 2; each breakout will run 40 minutes with 15 minutes for networking within
the breakout at the close.
- Negotiating Skills to Help You Succeed
Whether you’re
negotiating flexibility or salary with your boss, or using these skills to
work tactfully and successfully with clients, co-workers – or anyone – you
need to know how to get what you want without leaving a lot on the table, and
still come out “looking good”. Lisa Terrizzi, Esq.; career
coach/outplacement consultant; Chair, Lawyers in Transition Committee,
Massachusetts Bar Association; Jane Siebel, Employmoms/Employflex
- Health and Wellness: Strategies for Keeping Stress at
It can be tough to keep all those balls in the air and we all
know that moms take care of themselves, last. Hear from wellness expert Ellen
Palmer on strategies to manage your overall well-being. Ellen Palmer,
Ellen Palmer Wellness
Noon-1 p.m.: Lunch and Speaker: Looking the Part (Getting Your
Wardrobe Back in Shape)
Hear from an image consultant on the best
five things you can add to your wardrobe to move it from mom – to – corporate
cost effectively, while still in style. Ginger Burr, Total Image
1-1:55 p.m.: Building Block Sessions
*Note: Choose 1
of 2; each breakout will run 40 minutes with 15 minutes for networking within
the breakout at the close.
- New Definitions of Success…Non Linear Careers
from women who have followed different routes including job shares, career
switches, and more to chart a career and a version of success that works for
them and for their family.
- Search Tactics and Strategies: Getting a Job in
Facebook’s for more than just reunions with high school
friends; learn how to linked-in your way to a great position, figure out which
search engines can help you with career options, and get hands-on advice on
strategies to build a compelling resume (including how to fill in those
time-at-home “holes”). Wendy Gelberg, Gentle Job Search
2-2:55 p.m.: Building Block Sessions
*Note: Choose 1
of 2; each breakout will run 40 minutes with 15 minutes for networking within
the breakout at the close.
- Not-For-Profit Success: How “Making a Difference” Can be the
Career of Choice
Find out about options in not-for-profits, and
learn how to make a career switch into a field or a job you might never have
considered “a job” while you were doing it as a volunteer and/or for fun.
- Hands-On: Q and A with a Panel of Career Coaches
top career coaches will answer all of your questions and provide insight and
advice into your career options.
3-3:30 p.m.: Closing General Session
We will wrap up our
day with an open discussion of some of the hot topics and answer any outstanding
questions, while giving our sponsors an opportunity to share any important
3:30 p.m. Networking