The Supreme Judicial Court’s March 7 decision in the
matter of Openshaw v. Openshaw has now raised the question of whether
and to what extent “savings” may be included in a determination of need for
purposes of alimony. Join our esteemed roundtable participants as they discuss
the history of this important issue, the Openshaw
decision and the potential impact of the law going forward.
This program was hosted using Zoom.
Kimberley J. Joyce, Esq., Moderator
Law Office of Kimberley J. Joyce, Wellesley Hills
David E. Cherny, Esq., Panelist
Atwood & Cherny PC, Boston
Laura Williams Gal, Esq., Panelist
Greater Boston Legal Services, Boston
David H. Lee, Esq., Panelist
Lee & Rivers LLP, Boston
Michael G. Xavier, Esq., Panelist
Prince Lobel Tye LLP, Boston