
Issue July 2012

Moving forward

I am the apostle of the obvious when I bark about the horrible state of affairs in the law economy in the commonwealth, where annually 2,500 newly minted lawyers compete for approximately 720 identifiable, paying jobs. Those new lawyers come to the commonwealth from nine law schools resident in the state1 and another seven law schools resident in the contiguous New England states.2 The math is depressing for those new lawyers: 16 law schools churn out more than 1,500 graduates who will likely be unemployed and may never have satisfactory careers as full time practicing lawyers earning a decent living. An exclamation point was added to this story recently by a Boston College Law School job board posting. The posting advertised a full-time associate position as a small Boston law firm, paying $10,000 per year (i.e., less than the minimum wage).

One Year Later

A year after she had to dive under her desk while her office blew apart, Springfield attorney Andrea R. Reid and her law partner Lynn Gaudet have gotten most of their logistical issues addressed. Reid is now practicing out of an office-share location on State Street. Gaudet's Fitchburg office was unaffected.

Delegates accept a report relative to the law economy and endorse a pay increase for judges

The final meeting of the House of Delegates for the 2011-12 association year took place at the University of Massachusetts Boston on May 17. Among the business at the meeting, the delegation voted to accept a report from the MBA's Task Force on Law, the Economy and Underemployment entitled "Beginning the Conversation." Delegates also heard from Massachusetts Judges Conference on a long-overdue salary increase proposal for members of the bench. The meeting concluded with the ceremonial passing of the gavel from MBA President Richard P. Campbell to MBA President-elect Robert L. Holloway Jr.

2012 Annual Dinner features Victoria Reggie Kennedy and presentation of the Legislator of the Year Award to Speaker Robert A. DeLeo

More than 800 members of the legal community gathered at the Westin Boston Waterfront on May 31 for the Massachusetts Bar Association's 2012 Annual Dinner, where Victoria Reggie Kennedy gave an inspiring keynote address on the role of lawyers in society and Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop) was honored with the MBA Legislator of the Year Award.

Legislative Update: conference committees at work

As summer begins, the pace on Beacon Hill continues to be governed by a number of high profile conference committees. Conference committees are appointed to forge compromise after the House and Senate pass different versions of the same bill. At press time, the committee charged with brokering a deal on the Fiscal Year 2013 State Budget completed its work, while committees continue to work towards compromise on legislation on habitual offenders, foreclosure and health care reform.