
Issue December 2005

Massachusetts judges receive report cards from MBA judicial evaluation participants

Nine months into the process, the MBA's judicial performance evaluation process suggests that the judiciary is doing "a highly satisfactory to above average job," according to the Judiciary Evaluation Committee's chairman.

"According to the evaluations we've received, the judges are prepared, ready to go on time, conduct hearings with judicial dignity and when they are done, they issue their orders promptly," says Edward W. McIntyre.

The purpose-driven life of Judge Nancy Gertner

No one could ever say that U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner just phones it in.

Operating on just five to six hours of sleep a night, this woman is always on.

When asked what makes her tick, Gertner explained, "There's a joy in being able to take a complex situation and unpack itÉ to see the path towards the legal solutionÉ when I figure it out, a way to advance the law, it's a wonderful feeling of resolution. That, and I'm mad with power."

"Just kidding," she added.