
Issue March 2004

Former MBA president nominated to take helm of ABA in 2005

Former MBA President Michael S. Greco has been nominated to become president-elect of the 400,000-member American Bar Association.

The ABA House of Delegates will vote on the nomination in August, at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta. Greco will become the 129th ABA president in August 2005, at the close of the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago, where he grew up.

Call to LRS helps victim abused by priest

For years a man from Southeastern Massachusetts kept his secret of being abused and betrayed by a Roman Catholic priest from his family and friends.

As he suffered for decades with the lasting impacts of the abuse he suffered as a child - from alcohol addition to drug problems - the man remained unable to talk about what happened.

That was until the priest sexual abuse scandal broke in the news in January 2002 and the man finally got the courage to seek help. One of the first places he turned for that help was the MBA's Lawyers Referral Service.

Fond memories of Annual Conference 2004

Richard A. Johnston of Hale and Dorr addresses those gathered for the Access to Justice Awards Luncheon during Annual Conference 2004. Johnston received the Massachusetts Bar Foundation's Great Friend of Justice Award for his successful representation of the Massachusetts and Texas Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA) programs against separate constitutional challenges in federal court.